Interviews Archives - Agro & Food Processing India's first News portal for food industry Wed, 07 Aug 2024 10:48:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Interviews Archives - Agro & Food Processing 32 32 पारंपरिक प्रादेशिक स्कूप्स – भारत के शीर्ष राज्यस्तरीय आईस्क्रीम पार्लरों की खोज यात्राइस बार – गर्वी गुजरात Wed, 07 Aug 2024 10:45:36 +0000 आईस्क्रीम टाईम्स के इस सत्र में हम हमारे सारे पाठकों का सहर्ष स्वागत करते हैं। पिछले महीने, आईस्क्रीम टाईम्स ने महाराष्ट्र राज्य की शीर्ष पाँच…

The post पारंपरिक प्रादेशिक स्कूप्स – भारत के शीर्ष राज्यस्तरीय आईस्क्रीम पार्लरों की खोज यात्राइस बार – गर्वी गुजरात appeared first on Agro & Food Processing.

आईस्क्रीम टाईम्स के इस सत्र में हम हमारे सारे पाठकों का सहर्ष स्वागत करते हैं। पिछले महीने, आईस्क्रीम टाईम्स ने महाराष्ट्र राज्य की शीर्ष पाँच क्षेत्रीय आईस्क्रीम दुकानों का परिचय करवाया था, जिसमें हमने राज्य के प्राचीन और प्रचलित आईस्क्रीम पार्लरों की दिलचस्प कहानियाँ साझा की थीं। इस माह, हम गुजरात की ओर रुख़ कर रहे हैं, जहाँ आईस्क्रीम का सफ़र इतिहास, परंपरा और अद्वितीय स्वादों का संगम है। गुजरात की हर गली में छुपी हुई आईस्क्रीम की दुकानों के अनोखे क़िस्से और उनके स्वादिष्ट उत्पाद हमारे पाठकों को मंत्रमुग्ध कर देंगे। इस अंक में हम आपको गुजरात के शीर्ष पाँच क्षेत्रीय आईस्क्रीम पार्लरों की सैर पर ले चलेंगे, जहाँ की ख़ासियत और परंपरागत स्वाद आपके दिल को छू लेंगे।

गर्वी गुजरात, भारत का एक समृद्ध राज्य, अपनी सांस्कृतिक विविधता और प्राचीन परंपराओं के लिए जाना जाता है। इस राज्य की भूमि पर ऐतिहासिक और आधुनिकता का अनूठा मेल देखने को मिलता है। गुजरात की मिठाईयाँ और आईस्क्रीम शॉप्स देश भर में मशहूर हैं। अहमदाबाद, सूरत, वडोदरा, और राजकोट जैसे शहरों में पारंपरिक मिठाईयों और आईस्क्रीम की अनोखी दुकानों की भरमार है। ख़ासकर अहमदाबाद, जिसे “आईस्क्रीम हब” भी कहा जाता है, यहाँ की आईस्क्रीम की अलग-अलग वैरायटी और स्वाद लोगों को आकर्षित करते हैं। गुजरात अपने गरबा, खाना और परंपरा के अलावा भारत के सबसे ज़्यादा आईस्क्रीम कंज़्यूमर्स के लिए भी जाना जाता है। तो चलिए, चलते हैं गुजरात की अनोखी और पारंपरिक स्वाद की धरोहर माने जानेवाली दुकानों की पहचान आपसे करवाते हैं।

श्री सत्य विजय पटेल आईस्क्रीम, राजकोटरू राजकोट का पहला आईस्क्रीम पार्लर के रूप में इसे जाना जाता है, जिसकी स्थापना 1913 में मावजी जेराम पटेल ने की थी। यह दुकान चाय स्टॉल के रूप में शुरू हुई थी और बाद में इस में आईस्क्रीम और सोरबे को शामिल किया गया। यह ब्रैंड शुद्ध दूध से बनी आईस्क्रीम और अपने गाढ़े शेक के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। ताज़ी और बेहतरीन सामग्री का उपयोग करना उनकी विशेषता है। पीढ़ियों से चल रहे इस व्यवसाय ने राजकोट में कई आउटलेट्स के साथ विस्तार किया है, और प्रत्येक पीढ़ी ने नए स्वाद लाते हुए पारंपरिक गुणवत्ता को बनाए रखा है।

श्री जनता आइसक्रीम, सूरत –  श्री जनता आईसक्रीम सूरत का एक पुराना और पारंपरिक स्वाद, 1964 से अपनी बेहतरीन और स्वादिष्ट आईस्क्रीम के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। यहाँ की मटका कुल्फ़ी और विभिन्न स्वादों वाली आईसक्रीम अत्यंत लोकप्रिय हैं। आईसक्रीम की प्रोसेसिंग स्वच्छता और उच्च मानकों के साथ की जाती है, और पैकेजिंग भी सुरक्षित और स्वच्छ होती है, जिससे ग्राहकों को हमेशा ताज़ा और सुरक्षित उत्पाद मिलता है। श्री कमलेश बी शाह की देखरेख में, यह फ़र्म ग्राहकों की अपेक्षाओं पर हमेशा खरी उतरा है।
श्री जनता आईसक्रीम की उत्कृष्टता का राज उनकी बेहतरीन सामग्री और पारंपरिक विधियों में छुपा है, जो वडोदरा में आईस्क्रीम प्रेमियों को एक अनूठा और अविस्मरणीय अनुभव प्रदान करता है।

क्लासिक देरानी-जेठानी आईस्क्रीम पार्लर, अहमदाबाद –  तीन दशकों से अधिक समय से, ‘क्लासिक देरानी-जेठानी आईस्क्रीम पार्लर’ गुजरात में एक प्रमुख स्थान रहा है, जो अपनी स्वादिष्ट आईस्क्रीम के साथ-साथ पुरानी यादों को ताज़ा करने का अनुभव प्रदान करता है। अहमदाबाद में स्थापित यह पारंपरिक आईस्क्रीम पार्लर, पीढ़ियों से गुजरात-वासियों के दिलों को जीतने वाले फ्लेवर जैसे ब्लूबेरी केक, कॉफ़ी, अमरूद, ठच्ज्ञ, मैंगो रोज़, और कोकोनट आईस्क्रीम के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। हाथ से बनाए गए स्वाद और गुणवत्ता के प्रति उनकी प्रतिबद्धता, ‘क्लासिक देरानी-जेठानी आईस्क्रीम पार्लर’ गुजरात की गर्मी को मिठास और नॉस्टल्जिक टच देती है।

निरुबेन होममेड आईस्क्रीम, अहमदाबाद – निरंजना देसाई, जिन्हें निरुबेन के नाम से जाना जाता है, नवरंगपुरा, अहमदाबाद में अपने घर में
प्राकृतिक सामग्री से विविध फ़्लेवर की आईस्क्रीम, बनाती हैं। उनका व्यवसाय जनवरी 1986 में एक साधारण गैस स्टोव से शुरू हुआ था और अब एक छोटे से कमरे में विकसित हो चुका है। निरुबेन ने आईस्क्रीम बनाने की प्रक्रिया में बड़े कढ़ाई और भट्टियों का उपयोग किया है। उन्होंने शुरुआत पाँच फ़्लेवर से की थी और अब 27 फ़्लेवर तक का विस्तार कर लिया है, जिसमें नींबू और अदरक भी शामिल हैं। उम्र के कारण कुछ फ़्लेवर अब उपलब्ध नहीं हैं, लेकिन विविधता बनी हुई है। माउथ पब्लिसिटी के माध्यम से ग्राहकों की प्रशंसा मिलती रही और लोगों में इनके अन्य फ़्लेवर के साथ पान फ़्लेवर की आईस्क्रीम बड़ी पसंद की जाती है।

न्यू सम्राट कोल्डड्रिंक हाऊस, वडोदरा – न्यू सम्राट कोल्डड्रिंक हाऊस  गुजरात में 1958 से एक प्रसिद्ध आईस्क्रीम पार्लर है, जो वडोदरा में अपने हाथ से बनाई गई आईस्क्रीम और मिल्क शेक के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रसिद्ध है। यहाँ विभिन्न प्रकार के फ़्लेवर जैसे क्लासिक वेनिला जो गुलाबी रंग में सिर्फ़ यहाँ ही मिलती है, चॉकलेट, बादाम पिस्ता, और केसरी पिस्ता उपलब्ध हैं, और मिल्क शेक भी ताज़े दूध और आईस्क्रीम से बनाए जाते हैं। पार्लर अपनी पारंपरिक विधियों और व्यंजनों के लिए जाना जाता है, जो पीढ़ियों से चली आ रही हैं, और यहाँ की आईस्क्रीम और मिल्क शेक की क़ीमतें बहुत ही सस्ती हैं, जबकि गुणवत्ता उत्कृष्ट है। आज भी इसका इंटीरियर पुराने ज़माने का ही है जो 1950 के दशक की याद दिलाता है।

गुजरात, भारत का एक ऐसा राज्य है जो अपनी विविधता और सांस्कृतिक धरोहर के लिए प्रसिद्ध है, और यहाँ की आईस्क्रीम इंडस्ट्री भी इस परंपरा को पूरी तरह से क़ायम रखती है। इस अंक में, हमने गुजरात के कुछ प्रमुख आईस्क्रीम पार्लरों की विशेषताओं को आपके सामने प्रस्तुत किया है, जो वर्षों से अपनी विशिष्टता और गुणवत्ता बनाए हुए हैं। गुजरात की गलियों में छिपी इन आईस्क्रीम दुकानों के विविध और पारंपरिक स्वाद न केवल आपके स्वाद को भाएंगे, बल्कि एक ऐतिहासिक और सांस्कृतिक अनुभव भी प्रदान करेंगे। उम्मीद है कि ये लेख आपको गुजरात की आईस्क्रीम संस्कृति की एक झलक देने में सफ़ल रहा है। अगले अंक में हम एक नए राज्य की मिठास और अनूठे स्वादों के साथ आपके सामने होंगे। तब तक, आईस्क्रीम टाईम्स के साथ बने रहें और ऐसे ही अलग और अनोखे कंटेंट का आनंद ले।

The post पारंपरिक प्रादेशिक स्कूप्स – भारत के शीर्ष राज्यस्तरीय आईस्क्रीम पार्लरों की खोज यात्राइस बार – गर्वी गुजरात appeared first on Agro & Food Processing.

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The trending phase of Healthy Ice Creams Wed, 07 Aug 2024 10:41:46 +0000 In recent years, ice cream has undergone a big change. As people in India become more health-conscious, they’re looking for ice cream that’s not just…

The post The trending phase of Healthy Ice Creams appeared first on Agro & Food Processing.

In recent years, ice cream has undergone a big change. As people in India become more health-conscious, they’re looking for ice cream that’s not just delicious but also better for their health. This shift is part of a larger trend where people are more aware of what they eat and want to find a balance between enjoying their food and staying healthy.

Healthy ice creams, or “better-for-you” ice creams, are leading this change. Unlike traditional ice creams, which often have lots of sugar and fat, these new options focus on natural ingredients, lower calories, and cater to various dietary needs. This includes using natural sweeteners, adding protein, or offering vegan choices. The market for these healthier options is growing as more people look for treats that fit their health goals.

Ice cream experts like Keyur Shah, Partner Apsara Ice Cream, Mumbai; Hashim Basheer-Lead Consultant Wide Verticals, Kochi, Kerala; and Aditya Tripathi, MD, Cold Love Ice Cream, Delhi share their insights on why healthy ice creams are becoming so popular. They discuss the key ingredients driving this trend, the most popular flavours, and how the taste and texture of these ice creams compare to traditional ones. Their perspectives help explain how healthy ice creams are changing the dessert landscape and why they’re becoming a preferred choice for many people.

What key ingredients are driving the popularity of health ice creams among consumers?

Healthy ice creams are gaining popularity in India due to a mix of appealing ingredients and changing consumer habits. Keyur explains that natural ingredients like fruits, nuts, and natural sweeteners (like stevia or honey) attract those seeking fewer artificial additives.

i). Natural Ingredients: Healthy ice creams often highlight the use of natural ingredients such as fruits, nuts, and natural sweeteners like stevia or honey. These ingredients appeal to consumers looking for products with fewer artificial additives.
ii). Health Consciousness: There is a growing awareness of health and wellness among Indian consumers, leading them to seek healthier/better alternatives to traditional ice creams that are often high in sugar and fat.

iii). Low-Calories and Sugar Content: Many healthy ice creams are marketed as low in calories and sugar, catering to consumers who are mindful of their calorie intake and sugar consumption.

iv). Brand Credibility: Consumers are more likely to trust brands that emphasize quality,  transparency in ingredients, and a commitment to health and sustainability.

v). Dietary Restrictions: With an increasing number of consumers following specific diets (e.g., Low calorie, gluten-free, vegan), healthy ice creams that cater to these dietary preferences have gained much popularity over a period of time.

Hashim somewhat combines ICT’s first and second questions and offers his feedback. “High-protein ice creams using ingredients like whey protein or Greek yogurt are becoming popular for health-conscious consumers. Low-sugar options sweetened with natural substitutes like erythritol are also trending.

According to him, health ice creams are trending based on the following criteria:

High-Protein Ice Creams: These are packed with protein and often use ingredients like whey protein isolate or Greek yogurt as a base. Popular flavors include chocolate, vanilla, and peanut butter.

Low-Sugar Ice Creams: Sweetened with natural sweeteners like stevia, erythritol, or monk fruit, these cater to those seeking to reduce sugar intake. Popular flavors include berries, mint chocolate chip, and cookies and cream.

Vegan Ice Creams: Made with plant-based milks like almond milk, coconut milk, or oat milk, these are popular with vegans and those with dairy restrictions. Popular flavors include chocolate, strawberry, and mango.

Superfood-Infused Ice Creams: These incorporate ingredients like acai, matcha, or goji berries for a health boost.

Unique Flavor Combinations:  Adventurous health ice cream brands are creating exciting flavor combinations that cater to a variety of palates. Think dark chocolate sea salt, lavender honey, or pistachio rosewater.

To this, Aditya provides another perspective, observing that while the healthy ice cream market is growing, the bulk of their sales still come from traditional ice creams made with milk, cream, and sugar. “In our experience, the demand for healthy ice creams is relatively limited, compared to those who still treat ice cream as an indulgence”.

“Sugar-free is a large category for us and Vegan is growing, but the bulk of our sale is still ice cream made with milk, cream and sugar. We intentionally keep our sweetness levels low so that customers can taste the actual flavour of the ice cream”, informed Aditya.

What are the most popular flavours and varieties of health ice creams currently trending?

“In India, the popularity of healthy ice creams has led to a variety of flavours and varieties that cater to the tastes and preferences of health-conscious consumers”, observed Keyur. According to him, some of the most popular flavours and varieties currently trending include:

a). Fruit-Based Flavours: Ice creams made with real fruit extracts or chunks are highly popular. Common flavours include Mango, Strawberry, Custard Apple, Lychee, Coconut, Guava, Pineapple. Apsara’s Guava Glory is the best seller in India, and was also featured in Taste Atlas’s 2023 list of 100 Most Iconic Ice creams in the world.

b). Nutty Flavours: Varieties that incorporate nuts such as almonds, cashews, and pistachios are favoured for their crunchy texture and nutty flavour profiles. Our Roasted Almond ice cream is also a best seller.

c). Low-Calorie Options: Varieties specifically marketed as low-calorie or zero added sugar, appealing to consumers watching their calorie intake. We have our Zero Added Sugar range to cater to consumers who avoid sugar.

d). Dairy-Free and Vegan Options: Sorbets made without dairy catering to lactose-intolerant individuals and vegans.

e). Natural Sweeteners: Varieties sweetened with natural sweeteners like Stevia, FOS (Fructo-oligosaccharides), Honey, appealing to consumers looking to reduce their consumption of refined sugars. We use FOS because it doesn’t leave a bitter After-taste in the mouth like Stevia does.

Hashim adds that unique and adventurous flavour combinations are also gaining popularity. Flavours such as dark chocolate sea salt, lavender honey, and pistachio rosewater are appealing to consumers looking for new taste experiences.

Speaking about the most popular flavours and varieties of health ice creams currently trending, then even within our low calorie and sugar-free category, Chocolate is always very popular, as are fruit flavours, especially when they are season”, stated Aditya.

How do consumers perceive the taste and texture of healthy ice creams compared to traditional ice creams?

 “The taste and texture of healthy ice creams tend to be a mixed bag compared to traditional ice creams. Below mentioned are breakdown”, comments Keyur.
Traditional Ice Cream:

◆ Taste: Rich, creamy, intense flavours often achieved with sugar, artificial flavours, and sometimes added fat. This creates a familiar, indulgent taste many associate with ice cream.

◆ Texture: Smooth, airy, and quick to melt due to higher air content and lower milk fat content compared to full-fat ice cream.

Healthy Ice Cream:

◆ Taste: Can be perceived as less sweet due to the use of sugar substitutes like stevia or FOS. The natural flavours of some ingredients might be more prominent. Some find this refreshing, while others miss the intense sweetness of traditional ice cream.

◆ Texture: Can vary depending on the ingredients. Some healthy ice creams use alternative bases like nut butter or coconut milk, leading to a denser texture compared to traditional ice cream. They might also have an icier texture due to less fat and different stabilizers.

Here’s the consumer perception in a nutshell:

◆ Traditional: Indulgent, familiar taste and texture.

◆ Health: Can be seen as a less-guilty indulgence, but the taste and texture might take some getting used to for those accustomed to traditional ice cream.

 Additional factors:

◆ Price: Healthy ice cream is often more expensive than traditional options.

◆ Availability: Traditional ice cream is widely available, while healthy ice cream might be limited to specific stores or online retailers.

“The perception of taste and texture is a common concern for health ice creams”, Hashim explained. “Traditional ice creams are known for their rich, creamy texture and decadent flavours achieved with higher fat content and sugar. Healthier alternatives may use lower-fat ingredients and sugar substitutes, which can lead to a perception of being less creamy, icier, or having a different mouthfeel. However, many brands are innovating with ingredients and formulations to create healthier options that rival traditional ice cream in terms of taste and texture’.

“Taste and texture are very important” asserted Aditya. “Many brands we have tried have poor taste or texture because they are using alternative ingredients, but our experience says that a customer will not have a sub-standard product if they are health-conscious – they will find another brand or not have ice cream at all, if it doesn’t meet the basic taste and quality expectations”, well said by Aditya.

What factors influence consumer preference for healthy ice creams, such as ingredients, nutritional benefits, or brand reputation?

Further to the subject discussion, Keyur adds that in India, consumer preference for healthy ice creams is influenced by several key factors related to ingredients, nutritional benefits, and brand reputation:


• Natural and Clean Ingredients: Consumers prefer healthy ice creams made with natural ingredients such as fruits, nuts, natural sweeteners like honey or FOS, and no artificial flavours, preservatives or colours.

• Added Health Benefits: Health-conscious consumers look for ice creams enriched with additional health benefits such as added protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, or probiotics.

These additions enhance the nutritional profile and appeal of the product.

Nutritional Benefits:

Calorie Consciousness: Consumers are increasingly aware of calorie intake and prefer health ice creams that provide indulgence with fewer calories per serving compared to regular ice creams.

Brand Reputation:

• Trustworthiness and Transparency: Consumers place value on brands that are transparent about their sourcing practices, manufacturing processes, and ingredient sourcing. Trustworthy brands that maintain high standards in health and quality are preferred.

• Perception of Quality: Premium brands or those with a longstanding reputation for quality and innovation in healthier food options tend to attract discerning consumers willing to pay a premium for perceived higher quality.

According to Hashim, the factors that consumers consider when choosing health ice creams include a combination of certain facts like:
• Nutritional Benefits:  High protein content, low sugar content, and use of natural sweeteners are all attractive qualities.

• Ingredients: Organic ingredients, superfoods, and an absence of artificial flavours or colours are appealing to health-conscious consumers.

• Brand Reputation: Brands that promote healthy eating and are transparent about their ingredients tend to be more trusted.
Aditya is exploring the exact factors influencing consumer preference for health ice creams but acknowledges that they could include aspects such as ingredients, nutritional benefits, and brand reputation.

5. What demographic groups are most likely to purchase health ice creams, and what factors influence their choices?

The Indian the market for healthier ice creams typically attracts certain demographic groups and is influenced by several factors, Keyur gives a detailed info:

Demographic Groups:

• Urban Middle-Class Consumers: This group is more health-conscious and has disposable income to spend on premium and healthier food options.

• Young Adults and Millennials: This demographic is increasingly concerned about health and fitness, seeking out products that offer health benefits without compromising on taste.

• Health-Conscious Families: Families with children, especially in urban areas, are concerned about nutrition and look for healthier alternatives to traditional ice creams.

• Fitness Enthusiasts: Individuals who are into fitness regimes and dietary discipline often opt for healthier dessert options, including health ice creams.

 Factors Influencing Their Choices:

• Ingredients and Nutritional Profile: Consumers look for ice creams made with natural/real ingredients, low in sugar, fat, and calories, zero added sugar, no added flavours or colours etc.

• Taste and Texture: Despite being healthier, the taste and texture must be comparable to regular ice creams. Consumers expect a satisfying eating experience.
• Brand Reputation and Trust: Established brands with a reputation for quality and health consciousness are preferred. Consumers trust brands that promote transparency about ingredients and nutritional information.

• Availability and Convenience: Easy availability through brick & mortar stores, modern retail & online platforms influence consumer choices. Convenience plays a role, especially for busy urban consumers.

Hashim agrees that health-conscious consumers who are interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle are most likely to purchase health ice creams. This includes:

• Consumers who follow specific diets, such as those high in protein, low in sugar, or vegan.

• Consumers who are lactose intolerant or have other dietary restrictions.

• Consumers who are interested in general wellness and preventative healthcare.

Factors influencing their choices include:

Nutrient richness:  They focus on factors like high protein content, low sugar content, and use of natural sweeteners.

Ingredient components: They are always on a lookout for organic ingredients, presence of superfoods, and absence of artificial flavors or colors.

Trustworthy Brands: They believe in trustworthiness of brands that promote healthy eating and transparency about ingredients.

Aditya promptly shares, “Our experience says that this is an emerging category, mainly among upscale consumers at the moment, but the younger demographic is more conscious of health as well”.

End words:

The healthy ice cream trend is reshaping the dessert landscape in India, driven by a demand for indulgence without compromising on health. With a focus on natural ingredients, lower calories, and diverse dietary options, these ice creams cater to an increasingly health-conscious consumer base. As the market continues to grow, balancing taste, texture, and nutritional benefits will be key to meeting evolving preferences.

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Maximizing Energy Efficiency in Ice Cream Production with Cutting-Edge Condensation Technology Wed, 07 Aug 2024 10:35:08 +0000 Imagine biting into a scoop of your favorite ice cream, its perfect texture and flavor transporting you to a moment of pure bliss. But have…

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Imagine biting into a scoop of your favorite ice cream, its perfect texture and flavor transporting you to a moment of pure bliss. But have you ever wondered about the technology behind that delightful experience?

The ice cream industry relies heavily on advanced refrigeration technologies to maintain product quality from production to consumption. This sector’s success hinges not only on delightful flavors and textures but also on the sophisticated machinery that preserves these attributes. At the heart of this process are condensing units, which ensure efficient cooling and storage.

Without these critical components, the journey from creamy concoctions in the factory to the scoop in your cone would be impossible. In this feature, we explore the latest innovations and offerings from four leading players in the condensing unit market: Ashish Gupta, Director at Standard Refrigeration, Aadhavan Aravindhan, Managing Director at Frigus Technologies, Ashish Keshri, Director at Siberian Refrigeration, and Kishan S. Ghelani, Executive Director at SB Cooling. Their insights reveal the critical role of condensing units in the ice cream industry and highlight the unique advantages their products offer. These experts shed light on how cutting-edge technology and a commitment to quality ensure that each batch of ice cream retains its creamy perfection, no matter where it is enjoyed.

Considering the energy-intensive nature of ice cream production, how efficient are your condensing units in terms of power consumption? Can you share some specific numbers or benchmarks?

Energy efficiency is a crucial factor in ice cream production due to the high energy demands of refrigeration,” replied Ashish Gupta from Standard Refrigeration. He further added, “We use inverter technology and electronic expansion valves to achieve top-tier energy efficiency. “Energy saved not only saves money but also has a positive effect on reducing global warming,” Gupta states.

“We currently provide the best-in-class energy efficiency by incorporating inverter technology and electronic expansion valves, both resulting in highest performance at lowest energy consumption and bringing enhanced reliability.” This commitment to sustainability and efficiency is echoed by Aadhavan of Frigus Technologies, who highlights their units’ high coefficient of performance (COP) ratios, ensuring significant energy savings.

Ashish Keshri of Siberian Refrigeration too provided his feedback on the importance of power efficiency. Their units boast excellent COP ratios, which translate into substantial energy savings. “Our units are designed to deliver maximum performance with minimum energy consumption,” Keshri explains. “We focus on using cutting-edge technology to reduce power usage while maintaining high efficiency.”

Kishan S. Ghelani from SB Cooling provides specific benchmarks, noting that their units typically consume around 1 kW per ton of refrigeration (TR), with slight variations depending on operating conditions. “We have optimized our units to achieve the best possible energy efficiency, ensuring cost savings for our clients while minimizing environmental impact,” Ghelani elaborates.

How do your condensing units ensure consistent and reliable refrigeration, which is crucial for maintaining ice cream quality and texture?

Maintaining consistent refrigeration is vital for preserving the quality and texture of ice cream. Standard Refrigeration’s units are equipped with multiple safety features and high manufacturing standards to ensure trouble-free operation. Our units incorporate LP HP accumulators, oil separators, power monitoring, constant superheat, large condensing areas, branded fans and motors, and the highest standards for manufacturing practices,” explains Gupta. “All of these elements contribute to reliable and consistent refrigeration, which is essential for maintaining ice cream quality.”

At Frigus Technologies, Aadhavan points out the reliability of their semi-hermetic and scroll condensing units, which are specially designed for ice cream production. “Our units are built to provide consistent refrigeration performance, ensuring that the ice cream maintains its intended quality throughout the production process,” Aadhavan asserts. These units excel in both storage and hardening applications, ensuring that the ice cream maintains its intended quality throughout the production process.

Similarly, Siberian Refrigeration’s advanced systems provide consistent and dependable performance, crucial for maintaining the delicate texture of ice cream. “We use advanced control systems and high-quality components to ensure that our units deliver reliable performance,” says Keshri. “This consistency is key to preserving the quality and texture of the ice cream.”

Ghelani of SB Cooling adds that their units are designed with durability and reliability in mind. “Our condensing units are built to withstand the demanding conditions of ice cream production, ensuring consistent refrigeration performance,” he explains. “We use robust components and rigorous testing processes to guarantee that our units can handle the rigors of continuous operation.”

What advanced control systems and monitoring technologies do your condensing units have to boost performance and detect issues early, ensuring consistent ice cream quality?

“The integration of advanced control systems and monitoring technologies is essential for optimizing performance and early issue detection”. Gupta articulates the use of AI and self-diagnostic capabilities. “Our units are equipped with self-diagnostic features and AI technology, which can identify faults and send alerts via phone and email,” he explains. “This proactive approach minimizes downtime and ensures continuous operation, which is crucial for maintaining ice cream quality.”

Discussing the above point, Aadhavan said, “Our condensing units feature state-of-the-art control systems that monitor and adjust performance in real-time,” he states. “These systems help to improve efficiency, prevent issues, and maintain consistent refrigeration, which is vital for maintaining the quality of ice cream.”

Likewise, Keshri says, “They integrate advanced control technologies in their units to ensure optimal performance. We use sophisticated monitoring systems that track various parameters and provide early warnings of potential issues. This allows us to address problems before they impact the refrigeration process, ensuring consistent quality.”

Ghelani discusses the importance of defrost systems and motor protection devices. “Our units are equipped with heaters to prevent icing on cooling coils and safety devices to trip the system in case of voltage fluctuations,” he explains. “These features ensure that the units operate smoothly, preventing any disruptions in the refrigeration process. Our advanced control systems also allow for precise temperature regulation, which is crucial for maintaining the quality of the ice cream.”

How do your condensing units meet the needs of small to medium-sized ice cream businesses, especially when it comes to expansion and integration with existing systems?

Ashish enunciates that scalability is a significant consideration for ice cream manufacturers, especially small to medium-sized enterprises looking to expand. He affirms that Standard Refrigeration offers units in various capacities to support projects of all sizes. “We have units in multiple capacities that suit small to large projects and can also support augmenting extra cooling required in any existing project,” explains Gupta. “We can support any size of requirement and facilitate modular growth.”

“Our condensing units are designed to meet the needs of businesses at different stages of growth,” explains Aadhavan. “Whether you are a small startup or a large enterprise, our units can be easily integrated into your existing systems and scaled up as needed.”

Keshri agrees that their units’ are versatile in supporting business expansion. “We offer a range of units that can be tailored to the specific needs of our clients,” he states. “This adaptability ensures that businesses can expand their operations without having to invest in entirely new systems.”

Ghelani echoes about the modular nature of their units. “Our condensing units are designed to be easily scalable, allowing businesses to expand their refrigeration capacity as needed,” he says. “This flexibility is crucial for ice cream manufacturers looking to grow their operations. Our units can be integrated with existing systems, ensuring a seamless expansion process.”

What kind of after-sales service and technical support do you offer to ice cream manufacturers? how quick is your response time, and how easily can customers get spare parts?

Robust after-sales service and technical support are vital for ensuring long-term satisfaction and reliability. Standard Refrigeration has a widespread network of service depots across India, with regional engineering teams dedicated to customer support. “We have pan-India service depots and regional engineering teams whose sole responsibility is to ensure that our customers have an excellent buying experience and peace of mind,” asserts Gupta. “We aim to provide prompt and efficient service to address any issues that may arise.”

Aadhavan also stresses their commitment to customer support. “We offer comprehensive after-sales service and technical support to our clients,” he explains. “Our dedicated team of engineers is always ready to assist with any issues, ensuring that our customers can rely on our units for continuous operation.”

Keshri highlights their focus on prompt service and spare parts availability. “We ensure that spare parts are readily available and that our technical team can provide quick support,” he states. “This commitment to service ensures that our clients can maintain their operations without disruption.”

With concluding note, Ghelani takes a similar approach, with a strong focus on quality and customer satisfaction. “Most of my customers come by reference due to the quality we maintain,” says Ghelani. “We have a dedicated team that provides prompt support and ensures that spare parts are always available. Our goal is to provide our clients with the best possible service, ensuring that they can rely on our units for their refrigeration needs.”

The advancements in condensing unit technology showcased by these industry leaders highlight the critical role these systems play in ice cream manufacturing. As the demand for high-quality ice cream grows, the need for reliable and efficient refrigeration solutions becomes increasingly important.

From energy efficiency and consistent refrigeration to advanced control systems and comprehensive support, these companies offer solutions that meet the diverse needs of ice cream producers. Their dedication to innovation not only enhances product quality but also contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing energy consumption and minimizing waste.

By investing in high-quality condensing units, manufacturers can ensure the consistent quality, texture, and safety of their ice cream products, ultimately driving business growth and customer satisfaction. The collaboration between manufacturers and these refrigeration experts paves the way for future advancements in the industry, promising even more delicious and perfectly preserved ice cream for consumers.

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Inside Antarctica Equipment: CEO Gaurav Mittal on Innovation and Excellence in the Ice Cream Industry Wed, 07 Aug 2024 10:31:33 +0000 In an informative interview with Gaurav Mittal, CEO of Antarctica Equipment Pvt. Ltd, ICT had the privilege to gain an in-depth understanding of his esteemed…

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In an informative interview with Gaurav Mittal, CEO of Antarctica Equipment Pvt. Ltd, ICT had the privilege to gain an in-depth understanding of his esteemed company. Let’s delve into Gaurav’s thoughts, sayings, and the knowledge he shared about Antarctica Equipment.

An Introduction:

Can you give us a brief overview of Antarctica Equipment and its mission in the ice cream industry?

Antarctica Equipment Private Limited has over 35 years of expertise in the temperature-controlled food display equipment industry. Our mission is to become India’s leading partner by providing innovative and impactful solutions specifically tailored to the ice cream industry. We aim to set new standards of excellence within this sector, ensuring that our products meet the highest quality and performance standards. Our state-of-the-art facility in Manesar, featuring an impressive experience center, showcases our extensive range of products, offering full visibility for our customers. We cater to the diverse display and refrigeration needs of ice cream parlours, cafes, confectioneries, sweet shops, and bakeries, focusing on food, drink, confectionery, and gelato retail outlets both in India and internationally.

Partnerships and Collaborations:

Antarctica Equipment represents some renowned brands like IFI Spa, Valmar, and GEMM. Can you tell us more about these partnerships and how they enhance your product offerings?
Our strategic alliances with renowned global brands like IFI Spa, Valmar, and GEMM Srl have significantly enhanced our product portfolio. IFI Spa, a benchmark in furnishings for gelato and ice cream parlours as well as pastry shops, epitomizes Italian excellence. Valmar, with its expertise in high-efficiency batch freezers and pasteurizers for gelato and ice cream making, introduces advanced technology to our lineup. GEMM Srl, known for its efficient, top-tier commercial refrigeration equipment and shock freezers, enhances our offerings by providing world-class solutions for the ice cream sector.

Innovative Technologies:

What are some of the latest technological innovations that Antarctica Equipment has introduced to the market through these collaborations?

Our partnerships have introduced a range of technological innovations to the market. IFI Spa, renowned for its Italian craftsmanship, provides advanced display cases and preservation technology that enhance the presentation and longevity of ice cream and gelato. Valmar’s high-efficiency batch freezers and pasteurizers lead the way in ice cream and gelato production, ensuring impeccable structure, texture, and flavour while upholding the highest standards of quality and consistency. GEMM’s commercial blast freezers are designed for optimal food conservation, offering robust and reliable solutions that significantly reduce food waste and improve operational efficiency.

These innovations go beyond merely maintaining the status quo; they represent a significant advancement in food preservation and presentation.

Product Range:

Could you elaborate on the key products from IFI Spa, Valmar, and GEMM that Antarctica Equipment offers? How do these products stand out in terms of quality and performance?

While we offer the full range of products from our partner portfolios, we stock those that have higher demand and traction in the market.

IFI Spa products, such as SAM80, Milia, Colonna, Pivot, Bellevue, Tonda, and Delice, are particularly favoured. They stand out for their sleek design, energy efficiency, quality, reliability, and long lifespan, making them a wise investment in the long run.

Valmar’s latest offerings, Easy3 TTi Hot & Cool and Dosy 3, are garnering considerable interest in the market. Their precision engineering, user-friendly operation, and advanced features like automatic dosage control make them favourites among artisanal and commercial gelato producers. The standout feature of Valmar products is their ability to produce gelato with perfect structure, texture, and flavour while maintaining operational efficiency.

GEMM’s blast freezers have also attracted significant interest. These shock freezers are known for their robust construction and efficient freezing capabilities, providing reliable and rapid food conservation. Their performance in maintaining the quality and extending the shelf life of perishable goods makes them indispensable for any food service operation. What sets GEMM blast freezers apart is their rapid freezing technology, which prevents the formation of large ice crystals, thus preserving the texture and nutritional value of the food.

Market Expertise:

How does Antarctica Equipment stay ahead of market trends and customer demands?

We stay updated on market trends and customer demands by actively listening to our customers and continuously monitoring global market trends and industry developments. We learn from our partners and participate in domestic and international trade shows, conferences, and seminars to stay informed about the latest innovations and best practices. This comprehensive approach allows us to anticipate future trends and proactively adapt our strategies, ensuring we remain at the forefront of the industry.

Customization and Flexibility:

How do the solutions provided by Antarctica Equipment cater to the diverse needs of different ice cream businesses, from small artisanal shops to large-scale manufacturers?

At Antarctica Equipment, our customers are our top priority. We are dedicated to delivering solutions tailored to their specific needs. We offer a wide range of options to meet the requirements of businesses of all sizes, from small artisanal shops to large-scale manufacturers. If a customer has a unique need not met by our standard offerings, we provide customized solutions to ensure their needs are fully addressed.

Customer Support and Training:

What support and training do you offer to help clients maximize their equipment’s potential and ensure minimal downtime?

We understand that our products are crucial for our customers’ operations, and downtime is simply not acceptable. To ensure minimal downtime, we have designed a comprehensive support and training program. We handle installation and training directly, ensuring users are well-versed in the operation and maintenance of the equipment. This is supplemented by an operation manual to facilitate smooth transitions at the customer’s end.

Additionally, we provide a robust support system, including phone troubleshooting and onsite assistance. Our products are built to be durable and long-lasting, and we work proactively with customers to help extend the life of our machines.

Future Vision:

What are the future plans for Antarctica Equipment? Are there any upcoming product launches or new partnerships on the horizon?

In the next five years, my vision is to grow the company tenfold. This ambitious goal will require expanding our product offerings, introducing the best innovations to the market, and enhancing the appeal of our solutions. Achieving this will involve developing new and innovative products at Antarctica, forging new partnerships, and delivering exceptional customer service.

Industry Challenges:

What are the biggest challenges the ice cream industry is battling, and how is Antarctica Equipment positioned to address them?

The ice cream industry faces significant challenges, including maintaining product quality, managing energy efficiency, and adhering to regulatory standards. At Antarctica Equipment, we address these issues by offering advanced, energy-efficient refrigeration solutions designed to ensure optimal product quality and compliance with industry standards. Our partnerships with global leaders such as IFI S.p.A., Valmar, and GEMM further enable us to provide EC-standard offerings, helping manufacturers effectively meet these challenges.

Personal Insight:

As the CEO, what motivates you the most about working in this industry, and what are you most proud of in your tenure at Antarctica Equipment?

What motivates me the most about working in this industry is the opportunity to innovate and create high-quality products that make a tangible difference in our customers’ businesses. I am passionate about providing solutions that enhance the quality, presentation, and preservation of food products. What I am most proud of during my tenure at Antarctica Equipment is our growth and the strong reputation we have built in the industry. Our commitment to excellence, quality, and customer satisfaction has positioned us as a trusted partner for food retail outlets across India and internationally.

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The ‘Honeyman’ Ventures in Honey-base Ice Cream A Journey to Healthier Indulgences Wed, 05 Jun 2024 11:32:12 +0000 Synopsis: Dr. Kapoor, also known as the Honeyman, is a beekeeper and entrepreneur passionate about creating healthier alternatives in the food and beverage industry. His…

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Synopsis: Dr. Kapoor, also known as the Honeyman, is a beekeeper and entrepreneur passionate about creating healthier alternatives in the food and beverage industry. His venture uses honey to replace sugar and artificial sweeteners in ice cream, shakes, and many other products available in groceries and supermarkets, such as jams, sauces, peanut butter, and more, offering a delicious and nutritious treat. Dr. Kapoor shares his inspiration, the benefits of honey-based ice cream, and his plans for expanding his presence in the market.

Dr. Kapoor, widely known as the Honeyman, could you share the story behind your ice cream venture?

The story behind our honey-based ice cream venture is one of passion, innovation, and a deep commitment to redefining the food and beverage industry. As a beekeeper, I’ve always been fascinated by the intricate process of honey production and the incredible flavors that different types of honey can offer. With a vision to provide healthier alternatives to products available in the market, I embarked on a journey to replace sugar and artificial sweeteners with the pure, natural goodness of honey in ice cream, shakes, and many other products available in groceries and supermarkets, such as jams, sauces, peanut butter, and more. Thus, the idea of the Honeyman ice cream venture was born, aiming to revolutionize the industry by offering indulgent treats that are not only delicious but also packed with the nutritional benefits of honey.

How do you envision honey-based ice cream benefiting your consumers?

Honey-based ice cream offers a myriad of benefits to our consumers, aligning perfectly with our mission to provide healthier alternatives. By replacing sugar and artificial sweeteners with honey, we’re able to offer a guilt-free indulgence that doesn’t compromise on taste. Honey brings with it a range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making our ice cream a nutritious choice for those seeking a satisfying treat. Moreover, honey’s natural antimicrobial properties contribute to better gut health, further enhancing the health benefits of our ice cream. With each scoop, consumers can enjoy the delicious taste of their favorite ice cream flavor while nourishing their bodies with wholesome ingredients.
What are your plans for expanding your presence in the ice cream sector?

Our plans for expanding our presence in the ice cream sector are ambitious yet rooted in our commitment to quality and sustainability. After receiving a commendable response and immense appreciation for offering healthier products and ice creams, Honeyman now looks forward to expanding its presence across India, taking the franchise route via the FOFO (Franchise Owned Franchise Operated) Model.

We intend to open over 50 outlets over the next 9 months across different formats via the FOFO Model and COCO Model. Through these outlets, we not only intend to sell ice creams, shakes, sundaes, and more, but also cross-sell our grocery/supermarket range of products such as different varieties of honey, honey-based jams, sauces, peanut butter, and more. We aim to collaborate with local beekeepers and artisanal honey producers to source the finest honey varieties for our ice creams, ensuring that each scoop is packed with flavor and goodness.

Besides, we’re exploring new flavor combinations and innovative production techniques to continuously delight our customers and stay ahead of the curve in the competitive ice cream market. We also aspire to become a global brand and eventually plan to expand our footprint worldwide.

Is there any other information you would like to share with our Ice Cream Times readers?

To our Ice Cream Times readers, I’d like to express my gratitude for your interest in our story and our delicious creations. As we continue on this journey of crafting honey-based ice creams, we invite you to join us in celebrating the beauty of nature’s bounty and the joy of indulging in a treat that’s both delicious and nutritious.

Keep an eye out for our latest flavors and updates, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or feedback. Together, let’s spread the sweetness one scoop at a time while reforming the food and beverage industry with healthier alternatives that which makes your well-being most crucial!!!

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Importance of Edible Cutlery in a New Healthy Lifestyle by TRISHULA Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:43:16 +0000 Introducing Edible Cutlery for a better Dining Experience In an era where environmental conscience intersects with gastronomic innovation, edible cutlery emerges as a game changer.…

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Introducing Edible Cutlery for a better Dining Experience

In an era where environmental conscience intersects with gastronomic innovation, edible cutlery emerges as a game changer. This mix of cuisine and sustainability adds a new level to dining, providing both convenience and a tasty companion to every meal.

Edible cutlery, made from food-grade materials, is an environmentally beneficial alternative to standard silverware. From savoury spoons to flavourful forks, each item is precisely fashioned to improve the dining experience while reducing environmental impact. What distinguishes these edible instruments beyond their biodegradability is their ability to tantalise taste buds and complement a wide range of culinary creations.

Imagine indulging in a dollop of creamy vanilla ice cream with a vanilla-flavoured spoon or savouring a slice of rich chocolate cake with a chocolate-infused fork! With a diverse range of flavours, including classics like chocolate and vanilla to adventurous blends like cheesy garlic and peri-peri, edible cutlery transforms every bite into a culinary adventure.

This innovative solution not only addresses the pressing issue of plastic pollution but also revolutionizes the way we perceive disposable utensils. By harnessing the power of natural ingredients and culinary creativity, edible cutlery not only reduces waste but also adds a flavourful twist to dining occasions.

In a world where sustainability is paramount and culinary experiences are cherished, edible cutlery stands as a testament to ingenuity and mindful consumption. We introduce you to the leading manufacturer of this revolutionary product, Kruvil R. Patel, founder of TRISHULA. Embracing the future of dining with edible cutlery will not only serve but also nourish, one delicious bite at a time.

What sizes do your edible spoons come in, and how do you choose the right size for different needs or tastes?

Our company specializes in providing a diverse range of spoons tailored to the specific needs of our clients. Through extensive surveys involving individuals across different age groups, we’ve meticulously designed our spoons to ensure the perfect size and shape for various purposes. From traditional table spoons to uniquely shaped dessert and ice cream spoons, as well as forks and knives specifically crafted for cake cutting, we offer a comprehensive selection.

What sets us apart is our commitment to flavour innovation. We offer a range of spoon flavours, from chocolate-infused dessert spoons to Peri Peri-flavoured forks, enhancing the dining experience for our customers.

Moreover, we take customization to the next level by creating specialized cutlery for specific products. For instance, we supply pizza savers to Domino’s, ensuring that every dining experience is not only convenient but also enjoyable. Moreover, R&D on other products is in progress, such as dessert spoons for Domino’s Choco Lava Cake.

What’s the prevailing preference among customers for edible cutlery: machine-made or handmade?

Our spoons are crafted through a unique fusion of machine and handmade techniques, combining precision manufacturing with the artistry of handcrafting. Each spoon is infused with care and attention to detail, resulting in a product that embodies the best of both worlds. Kruvil Patel has a vision of empowering humans rather than automating the whole process. Therefore, Meenaxiben Patel, owner of Trishula, has designed our company policies, which include empowering and encouraging not just men but also women to find workplace success. Today, more than 50% of women are empowered by us.

How do you ensure that the fusion of flavours in edible spoons enhances the overall dining experience, given the trend towards innovative and unique flavour combinations?

We offer a wide range of flavours such as Chocolate, Vanilla, Cheesy Garlic, Cinnamon, Black Pepper, and many more. Our commitment to continuous innovation drives us to develop new flavours that complement a variety of dishes. Also, we provide multi-flavoured spoons for those seeking a fusion of tastes, especially here, where the target audience is children (above 2 + years).  We’re also expanding our offerings to include gluten-free and oat spoons, each offering unique styles and flavours that not only enhance the dining experience but also provide health benefits.

One of the key advantages of our edible cutlery is its ability to seamlessly integrate with the flavours of the food it accompanies. Whether you’re enjoying a chocolate spoon with a chocolate brownie or vanilla ice cream, our spoons enhance the flavour without altering it. Similarly, choosing a vanilla spoon with strawberry ice cream provides a subtle vanilla essence, while opting for a neutral spoon ensures the original taste of the dish remains unaffected.

What technologies are utilized in the production of edible cutlery?

In the production of edible cutlery, we leverage cutting-edge technologies tailored to our unique requirements. At the forefront of our production process is a state-of-the-art customized machine accurately designed by Kruvil Patel. This innovative machinery integrates advanced automation and precision engineering to ensure the highest quality and consistency in every piece of cutlery we produce.

Moreover, we employ specialized equipment for shaping, allowing us to create a diverse range of designs that cater to the varied preferences of our customers. By harnessing the power of technology, we not only streamline our production process but also uphold our commitment to delivering innovative and high-quality edible cutlery to our valued clients.

How do you ensure that your edible cutlery meets industry standards for quality and safety?

At our facility, maintaining excellent quality is paramount, and we adhere to stringent industry standards to ensure it. We comply with internationally recognized standards such as GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), which serve as pillars for our quality management system.

Our commitment to hygiene is unwavering. We rigorously sanitize our premises daily and conduct pest control activities fortnightly, exercising the utmost care to uphold cleanliness and safety standards.

At the top, we prioritize the health and safety of our employees and visitors. Everyone entering our facility is required to wear hair caps, face masks, hand gloves, and uniforms while also sanitizing their hands hourly. These measures not only safeguard against contamination but also contribute to a safe working environment.

Our dedication to quality is accentuated by our ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 certifications. These certifications serve as testaments to our steadfast commitment to maintaining the highest standards of trust, quality, and excellence in every product manufactured within our manufacturing plant. We can ensure this as we have cleared audits of MNCs such as Nestle and Dominos (Jubilant Food Works Pvt. Ltd.).

How does the price of edible cutlery influence consumers’ decisions when making a purchase?

Certainly, the pricing of edible cutlery significantly impacts consumers’ decisions, especially as they compare it with alternatives like plastic, wooden, and steel cutlery.

However, we’ve noticed a shift in consumer behaviour towards health-conscious and environmentally friendly products. Our edible cutlery not only meets these criteria but also offers additional benefits, such as a variety of flavours.

Moreover, one of the key advantages of our product is its minimal environmental impact. Unlike traditional cutlery, which generates waste, our edible cutlery can be consumed after use or safely decomposed, serving as a sustainable solution.

This unique feature resonates with consumers who prioritize sustainability and are seeking ways to minimize their ecological footprint.

1. Our edible cutlery, when compared to plastic cutlery: Plastic is not biodegradable, while our product is 100% environmentally friendly and comes packaged in eco-friendly materials. Using plastic cutlery with hot beverages can introduce microplastics into our bodies, posing potential harm.

2. Our edible cutlery, when compared to wooden cutlery: In comparison to wooden cutlery, which is often associated with deforestation and may contain harmful laminates, our edible cutlery is crafted from food grains and other everyday food items, ensuring both sustainability and safety.

3. Our edible cutlery compared to steel utensils: Unlike steel utensils, which necessitate substantial water usage for cleaning and might not always be thoroughly sanitized, our edible cutlery is intended for single use.

Once consumed, the leftovers can be safely discarded, enriching the soil if left around plants. Moreover, even if consumed by animals, it poses no harm, underlining its eco-friendly nature.

4. Our edible cutlery, compared to starch-based cutlery: Starch-based cutlery often asserts its biodegradability, yet its production involves the use of PLA, a polymer that takes years to degrade. In contrast, our product is crafted from food items that are 100% biodegradable, enriching the soil with nutrients as they decompose.

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Weddings Booster Shot for Ice Cream  Industry Wed, 05 Jun 2024 06:24:04 +0000 Large weddings are luxurious symphonies that combine love and extravagance. These lavish parties are not just about vows and rings; they are about creating an…

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Large weddings are luxurious symphonies that combine love and extravagance. These lavish parties are not just about vows and rings; they are about creating an unforgettable experience. The lavish venues, cascading florals, and couture gowns set the stage for opulence. The menu and dessert selection must match the extravagance, making large weddings an unforgettable experience, and the most delicious component of these events is none other than ICE CREAM, which is a star player in the arrays of culinary ensembles displayed at the endless counters.

Large weddings provide an opportunity for the ice cream industry to expand its offerings. Guests crave delectable treats, and ice cream offers endless flavours as much as possible. Whether served from elegant stations or crafted into bespoke confections, ice cream adds indulgence to the grand celebration. For ice cream manufacturers, customization is a key to large weddings, providing a huge canvas for creativity. From artisanal flavours inspired by the couple’s favourite indulgences to elaborate displays, the possibilities are limitless. With each scoop, ice cream becomes a cherished part of the couple’s love story.

With the ongoing topic, Ice Cream Times magazine explores large weddings through interviews, revealing the highlights provided by some of the famous ice cream brands indulgence, making it an essential resource for understanding the allure of Large weddings.
We begin our discussion with one of the esteemed figures in the Indian ice cream industry, Pradeep Chona, Chairman of Hocco, Huber, and Holly 1944 Restaurants.

How do large weddings impact your business, particularly in terms of sales and brand visibility?

“As a company, we thrive on innovation, and large weddings help us bring our innovation game to the forefront”, addressed Pradeep Chona. “They also help put our brand in front of a diverse and potentially influential audience, and word of mouth is an integral part of the catering business. Catering big weddings can open doors to partnerships and collaborations with other vendors in the wedding industry, and we have had multiple such collaborations as a result of catering to many large events”, Chona further added.

Then we have Rajesh Shah, VP, ex-Havmor. He opined that large wedding offer a significant and lasting positive impact in terms of sales and brand visibility. During extravagant and celebrity weddings, ice cream manufacturers often receive large bulk orders, which can substantially boost overall revenue. Weddings are special occasions, and people are inclined to splurge on premium and unique ice cream offerings.

Shah went on to say, “These events present an opportunity to showcase a range of flavours and unique offerings, potentially leading to repeat orders through word of mouth in the future. Large weddings also generate a wealth of social media content, particularly when ice cream and dessert stations feature never-before-seen ranges and live counters, such as make-your-own ice cream, choose-your-own toppings, ice cream shots, fusion varieties, artisanal creations, and unique serving presentations”.

Describing the importance of large weddings, here is what Charanjit Singh Basant, MD, Basant Ice Cream from Ludhiana has to say: “Setting up an ice cream stall at a lavish wedding is like orchestrating a magnificent symphony of taste and luxury, where esteemed brands ensure every scoop is a moment of refined indulgence. This is the pinnacle of brand visibility. The grandeur of the event, coupled with the premium quality of the ice cream, creates a memorable experience for guests, leaving a lasting impression that associates the brand with high-end celebrations and exceptional quality. It’s an opportunity for brands to showcase their finest offerings, innovate with unique flavours, and engage directly with a discerning audience, solidifying their reputation in the market”.

Himmat bhai Pokia, MD, Khushboo Ice Cream from Rajkot, shares his thoughts about big fat weddings. He said, “These weddings do impact the ice cream business. Weddings are indeed a golden opportunity for our business. The sheer number of guests attending these events creates a high demand for delicious treats like ice cream. Participating in large weddings not only boosts our sales but also increases our brand visibility. We always make sure to showcase our best products at such events, which helps us attract more customers and expand our reach in the market”.

We have yet another ice cream manufacturer from Surat, Gujarat, Mukesh Kothari, MD, Man Mohak Ice Cream. “It’s true that marriage is a vital component of society, and its impact can be observed across various sectors, including the ice cream business. Weddings generate a heightened demand for ice cream, thereby benefiting this industry. Ice cream is often incorporated into various social and cultural events, further enhancing the profitability of this enterprise”.

From Punjab, Rajpura, we have Sushil Kumar from Ashico Ice Cream. According to him, large weddings significantly impact our business by boosting sales and enhancing brand visibility. These events attract high-profile clients who seek premium offerings, elevating our reputation in the luxury market.

According to Ashish Nahar, MD, Fun India Dairy, Nasik, large weddings greatly increase sales and improve company visibility. When so many people congregate in one location at once for an event, the sheer quantity of participants presents significant commercial growth prospects. In addition to boosting immediate sales, this increased foot traffic also improves long-term brand awareness and consumer engagement.

We proceeded to our next question.

What are some of the most popular ice cream flavours or dessert options requested for big weddings in your region?

Giving an informative reply, Chona said, “There are always one or two crowd favourites, even at large weddings, such as chocolate and vanilla. As a company, we make it a point to bring our best, even with regular flavours like our freshly churned Belgian chocolate and French vanilla bean. More recently, though, people are more interested in exploring other fun options as part of their ice cream experience. Some interesting flavours we have catered to so far include Charcoal Lychee, Soan Papdi, Kaju Katli, Gulab Gulkand, and Paan Kulfi, to name a few. Because we have a dedicated team and a flavour experience that spans decades, creating quirky and made-to-order flavours is ingrained in our DNA”.

“Big fat wedding clients would like to move beyond regular vanilla and chocolate flavours and look for something “Hat Ke” variant that will appeal to the guests and later they can talk about. Live stations with nitrogen ice cream, fancy flavours like pan, Bailey, orange coconut, rose anjir, berries, black current, pina colada, Belgium chocolate, cold stone ice cream, serving guests in hollow fruit shells or fruit-shaped containers, popsicle and kulfi stations, sandwich ice creams, choosing your own flavour and toppings, etc. Basically, the key is to surprise and delight the guests”, came an extensive reply from Shah.

Charanjit, hailing from Punjab, has successfully fulfilled many orders. “In the North, during lavish weddings and grand functions, there is a high demand for traditional yet luxurious desserts like mawa kulfi on a stick, rich rabdi falooda, and indulgent high-fat dry fruit ice cream”. The desserts at the celebrations cater to sophisticated tastes, adding cultural richness and decadence. Mawa kulfi, a creamy treat with cardamom, saffron, and nuts, is nostalgic and indulgent. Rabri falooda, a multi-layered dessert with silky condensed milk, vermicelli noodles, basil seeds, and rose syrup, symbolizes opulence. High-fat dry fruit ice cream, enriched with almonds, cashews, pistachios, and raisins, offers creamy smoothness and a delightful crunch.

“These desserts not only satisfy the palate but also evoke a sense of tradition and luxury, making them ideal for high-profile celebrations where Basant Ice Cream’s presence ensures a lasting impression of quality and indulgence”.

Himmat bhai articulated, “In our area, the most sought-after ice cream flavours for major weddings are classics like vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. However, we also see a growing trend towards unique and exotic flavours such as mango, pistachio, and kulfi. By offering a diverse range of flavours, we cater to the varying tastes of wedding guests and ensure that everyone finds something they love”.

Delving into further insights, Kothari signifies, “We offer a special selection of 20 different flavours for weddings and large events. Nowadays, all major weddings or auspicious occasions are managed by catering and event organizers, and we have the capability to fulfill every demand they have. At big weddings, there’s a diverse demand for ice cream based on the season. We offer flavoured ice cream, kulfi, falooda, and other services according to their preference”.

Sushil indicates that in his region, popular ice cream flavours for big weddings include classic options like vanilla bean and chocolate truffle, as well as artisanal flavours such as lavender honey and salted caramel.

Ashish mentioned that the most popular flavours trending this season include Fresh Guava, Jamun, Mewa King, along with many other delicious new arrivals. These flavours have captured the attention of consumers and are in high demand this year.

ICT steps further towards third enquiry.

What are the emerging trends, themes, or preferences among your clients planning big weddings in terms of ice cream desserts?

“Personalization has always been a hallmark of large weddings”, stated Chona. “The feeling of having a curated, bespoke dessert menu is always special. We cater with freshly churned ice cream made right at the event venue, elevating the experience to another level. This approach also allows us to offer gourmet and artisanal flavours tailored to consumer demands. Recently, as people have become more health-conscious, we have added zero-sugar and vegan options to our catering menu. Customers now seek an interactive experience at the ice cream counter, where they can mix and match flavours and toppings to create their own sundaes”, Chona offered a positive response.

Rajesh elaborated further by providing additional examples, such as ice cream inspired by traditional Indian sweets like gulab jamun, rasmalai, kaju katli, rabdi, and jalebi, which are currently trending, particularly in western India. In addition, paan ice cream, Bailey’s flavour ice cream, “Chhotu” cones, variants of rich saffron and nuts as “hat ke” flavours, lassi flavour, seasonal fruits, ice cream with fudge, crunch, and cookies, masala chai flavours, and various shots are also popular options.

“During summer weddings, guests are particularly fond of indulging in a delightful array of ice cream desserts, including exquisite ice cream pastries, delicious ice cream cheesecakes, and elegant ice cream balls. These sophisticated treats offer a refreshing and indulgent experience, perfectly suited to the warm weather and celebratory atmosphere of weddings”, voiced Charanjit.

He explained, “Ice cream pastries combine the richness of cake with the creamy texture of ice cream, creating a decadent dessert that satisfies both the sweet tooth and the need for something cool. Delicious ice cream cheesecakes offer a fusion of creamy cheesecake and smooth ice cream, resulting in a luxurious and indulgent dessert that is sure to impress. Finally, elegant ice cream balls provide a playful yet refined option, allowing guests to enjoy bite-sized portions of their favourite flavours in a sophisticated presentation. These ice cream desserts add a touch of elegance and luxury to summer weddings, making them a memorable part of the celebration”.

Speaking about trends and themes for ice cream desserts at major weddings, Himmat bhai said, “Our customers who are planning major weddings often look for innovative ice cream dessert options that align with the theme and style of their event. Some popular trends we’ve noticed include customized ice cream sundae bars, artisanal gelato stations, and thematic dessert presentations inspired by the wedding’s motif or colour scheme. By staying updated on these trends, we can offer our clients unique and memorable dessert experiences that elevate their celebrations.

Sushil too gave his feedback, saying that emerging trends among clients planning big weddings include incorporating unique flavour combinations, interactive dessert stations, and custom-designed ice cream cakes to match wedding themes or colour schemes.

According to Ashish, the most emerging trend this year is the popularity of fresh fruit flavours in the form of rolls. These innovative and refreshing treats have become a favourite among consumers, reflecting a growing preference for natural and fruity tastes in unique presentations.

How do you tackle customization and personalization requests from clients planning extravagant weddings?

“This comes naturally to us because of our generational flavour experience and our freshly churned ice cream concept, which allows us to make small batches of ice cream. That said, it always helps when we do menu planning with the family well in advance. Collaborating with the family and couple during menu ideation gives us a better idea of the experience that needs to be offered. It also helps to have a team experienced in handling last-minute requests that might arise”, Chona replied optimistically.

Rajesh gave a rather extensive answer. “To tackle customisation and personalisation requests from clients planning extravagant weddings, the following key process steps can be implemented:
“To ensure a seamless and personalized ice cream experience for clients hosting extravagant weddings, detailed discussions are conducted to discern their event vision and ice cream preferences. Tasting sessions are organized where clients and their close family can sample proposed flavours, gathering feedback to refine offerings until satisfaction is achieved. Meticulous attention is paid to the ice cream presentation, which aligns with the wedding theme. Serving styles, like live stations or custom cones, are decided upon, and pairing suggestions are offered to enhance the dining experience. Premium packaging with specified branding elements and allergen information is ensured for dietary accommodations, especially for VIP weddings’, he explained.

Charanjit has put emphasis on their specialized sales team that collaborates exclusively with wedding planners, catering to unique requests such as clients’ specific colour themes. For instance, some clients demand that all ice cream desserts adhere to a particular colour palette, with popular choices including shades of pink, blue, and chocolate. This attention to detail ensures that the ice cream desserts not only tantalize the taste buds but also complement the overall aesthetic of the wedding. By offering customizable options that align with the client’s vision, Basant Ice Cream enhances the wedding experience, leaving a lasting impression of personalized luxury and excellence.

Handling customization and personalization requests from clients, Himmat bhai is of the opinion that customization is key when it comes to serving ice cream at major weddings. “We understand that each event is unique, and our clients often have specific preferences and requirements for their dessert offerings. To accommodate these requests, we maintain open communication with our clients throughout the planning process, ensuring that we tailor our products and services to their exact specifications. Whether it’s creating bespoke flavours, designing custom topping bars, or incorporating personalized touches, we go above and beyond to exceed our clients’ expectations”, he made it clear.

Sushil simplifies the approach, stating, “We address customization and personalization requests with thorough attention to every detail. By closely collaborating with clients, we create modified flavours, packaging, and presentations that align perfectly with their vision for the event”.

Ashish stated, ‘We have created a separate division specifically to cater to party and wedding orders, introducing new innovations in both our products and visibility. This dedicated focus allows us to better serve large gatherings with unique offerings and enhanced presence”.

What measures are adopted by you to ensure the quality and presentation of your ice cream products meet the high expectations of luxury weddings?

With determination, Chona stressed, “We use only the finest, highest-quality ingredients in our ice cream products, including fresh dairy, premium fruits, and top-notch flavourings to ensure a rich and flavourful product. Crafting ice creams in small batches helps maintain their freshness and creaminess, which we achieve with the help of our ice cream churners available at our Huber and Holly stores”.

“We also offer a wide variety of customization options to the family, paying close attention to detail—a quality we are proud of as a company. This close attention is especially appreciated at large weddings”, added Chona.

Choosing his words, Rajesh said, “Our on-site staff, supported by F&B or a chef, diligently adhere to standard on-site QA protocols, such as ensuring the proper temperature of the ice cream, maintaining cone integrity to prevent sogginess, conducting pre-checks on the quality of toppings, assessing the presentation of the display station, and maintaining overall staff hygiene and uniform standards”.

Charanjit offers a scientific approach, stating, “Preserving ice cream is an art, balancing temperature with elegance. Dry ice, liquid nitrogen, and careful storage create a symphony of freshness. Deep freezers provide a sanctuary, while display cabinets showcase each scoop like a masterpiece”.

Himmat bhai confidently added, “Quality and presentation are paramount when it comes to serving ice cream at weddings. We take great pride in using the finest ingredients and crafting our products with care to ensure exceptional taste and texture. We also pay close attention to presentation, creating visually stunning presentations that complement the elegance of the wedding venue”.

Kothari added his angle of say, “Our ice cream, made from high-quality hygienic plants in collaboration with all major caterers and event organizers, has earned the trust of customers for nearly 50 years at large weddings”. Adhering to the best quality, Sushil voiced, “To ensure the quality and presentation of our ice cream products meet the high expectations of luxury weddings, we source premium ingredients, utilize elegant serving vessels, and employ skilled staff trained in the art of dessert presentation”.

Ashish explained, ‘We produce premium ice cream with innovative ideas and excellent presentation, ensuring that our ice cream becomes the main attraction at luxury weddings”.

Are there any sustainability or eco-friendly practices you employ when catering to large events like weddings?

Chona conveyed an eco-friendly approach, stating, “We prioritize sustainability by utilizing biodegradable serving ware like bagasse-based cups and wooden spoons while minimizing plastic usage. Our commitment extends to sourcing locally to reduce carbon emissions from transportation. Furthermore, we opt for glass bottles at catering events for easier recycling.”

Rajesh advises reputable brands to prioritize eco-conscious practices by opting for compostable packaging wherever feasible. Additionally, he recommends the use of energy-efficient freezers on-site to further reduce environmental impact.

Being conscious of the environment, Charanjit expressed, “In order to maintain sustainability, we strive to use as much disposable paper packaging as possible, which is eco-friendly. By choosing paper-based packaging over plastic or other non-biodegradable materials, we as a brand demonstrate a dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainability practices, aligning with the growing global movement towards greener alternatives”.

Himmat bhai on Environment said, “Sustainability is a core value of our business, and we make every effort to minimize our environmental impact, especially during major events like weddings. From using eco-friendly packaging to sourcing ingredients from local and sustainable suppliers, we prioritize environmentally responsible practices at every stage of our operations. By incorporating sustainability into our business model, we not only reduce waste and conserve resources but also align ourselves with the values of our environmentally conscious clients”.

Kothari said, “We do not use any product in our offerings that harms the environment or health in any way”.
“We prioritize sustainability by sourcing locally whenever possible, minimizing waste through efficient production practices, and offering eco-friendly packaging options. Additionally, we donate excess food to charitable organizations to reduce environmental impact”, replied atmosphere-conscious Sushil.

“We take the utmost care when it comes to the ecosystem. We serve ice cream in paper cups with wooden spoons, eliminating the use of plastic. Additionally, our refrigeration systems use freon gas, which has no impact on the ozone layer”, was an appropriate reply by Ashish.

Can you share any memorable or unique experiences you’ve had catering to large weddings?

Rajesh shared a memorable experience from a grand wedding seven years ago: Havmor received orders for real paan ice cream for the marriage of a popular Bollywood actress. This lavish event, attended by numerous Bollywood celebrities, featured Havmor’s specially crafted paan ice cream, which received widespread acclaim. The media coverage surrounding this wedding significantly enhanced HAVMOR’s visibility and publicity.

Charanjit recounted a memorable experience catering to a lavish Indian wedding attended by numerous celebrities, including renowned Punjabi actress Neeru Bajwa. During the event, it was observed that many celebrities preferred desserts featuring ice cream, with Neeru Bajwa showing a particular fondness for a heart-shaped ice cream pastry in pink. Additionally, Ammy Virk was seen learning ice cream-making techniques. This experience highlights the widespread appeal of ice cream as a beloved dessert choice, even among celebrities, and underscores its ability to evoke joy and delight across diverse cultural settings.

Mukesh shared his amazing anecdote. “At big weddings and major events, there are many fascinating stories, but one story still stands out in our memory. There was an order for 5000 packages, but the customer mistakenly wrote the wrong date while placing the order. The wedding was on November 15th, but they wrote December 15th as the order date. This resulted in us not being able to prepare the order on time. However, when they called at 5 p.m. on November 15th, they said that the order hadn’t arrived and the function was about to start. Now, how could we fulfill such a big order without any preparation? But we made swift arrangements for this unexpected function and completed the order with their favourite flavours just an hour before the function started, making them happy. With our prompt delivery, we earned their trust”.

Sushil reflected on their extensive experience catering to countless wedding orders, emphasizing the wealth of memorable experiences gained. From creating extravagant dessert displays suspended from chandeliers to crafting bespoke ice cream flavours inspired by the couple’s love story, each event offers a distinctive opportunity to showcase their creativity and craftsmanship.

“In a grand and luxurious ice cream wedding last year, we set up an ice cream parlour at the venue featuring premium ice cream flavours inspired by cakes. The demand was so high that our popular Black Magic Cake flavour ran out of stock. When the bride and groom were served desserts, they expressed their desire to depart only after indulging in this particular ice cream cake. It was a joyful and emotional moment for our team to witness their happiness and satisfaction.” Feeling elated, Ashish exclaimed, “It was truly a heartwarming moment to see the bride and groom so thrilled by our ice cream cake. Their happiness is what drives our passion for creating memorable experiences at every event.”

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फूड कलर्स: फूड सायन्स का एक महत्वपूर्ण विषय Thu, 09 May 2024 06:58:59 +0000 फूड प्रोडक्ट्स में फूड कलर्स की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका और  नवाचारी तकनीकों का उपयोग खाद्य रंगों ;थ्ववक ब्वसवनतेद्ध का प्रयोग हमारे आहार को सुंदर और स्वादिष्ट…

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फूड प्रोडक्ट्स में फूड कलर्स की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका और 

नवाचारी तकनीकों का उपयोग

खाद्य रंगों ;थ्ववक ब्वसवनतेद्ध का प्रयोग हमारे आहार को सुंदर और स्वादिष्ट बनाने के साथ-साथ हमारी संस्कृतियों में भी प्राचीन काल से किया जा रहा है। इसकी उदाहरणार्थ विभिन्न धर्म के देवियों तथा देवताओं को भिन्न प्राकृतिक रंगों से प्रसाद प्रदान किए जाते थे और आयुर्वेदिक ग्रंथ श्चरकसंहिताश् में भी विभिन्न औषधियों के स्वाद को मधुर और आकर्षक बनाने के लिए प्राकृतिक रंगों का उपयोग किया जाता था। इसी तरह, फूड हिस्टोरियन भी बताते हैं कि मिस्र (Egypt) में भी पौधों के रंग को पाकशाला और भोज्य सामग्री में प्रयोग किया जाता था। ब्रिटिश रसायनशास्त्री विलियम हेनरी पार्किन ने 1853 में पहला नीला सिंथेटिक (Synthetic) रंग बनाया, जो आज भी हमारे बावर्चीख़ानों में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।

आज हम इस लेख में, खाद्य रंगों की आकर्षक दुनिया को और उनके प्रभाव को जानेंगे। अपने आहार में रंगों के महत्व से लेकर एक विशेष स्वाद से जुड़ा हुआ रंग तथा खाद्यरंग उत्पादन में होने वाले नवनिर्माण पर इस क्षेत्र के Roha Dye Chem Pvt. Ltd. से गौरी विचारे, Avon Flavours से चिराग कथरानी, Maxon Food Services LLP से  अहमद रज़ा, Vinayak Ingredients से आशुतोष बयानी के विशेष राय से सभी पहलुओं को खोजेंगे। आइए, खाद्य रंगों की इस आश्चर्यजनक दुनिया में सफ़र करें और उसके महत्व को समझें।

खाद्य रंगों का महत्व खाद्य आकर्षण में अहम होता है। यह सिर्फ़ खाद्य का स्वाद ही नहीं बढ़ाता है, बल्कि उसकी प्रस्तुति को भी सुंदर और आकर्षक बनाता है। रंगों का उपयोग एक व्यंजन को अधिक स्वादिष्ट और मनोहर बना सकता है, जबकि अविरंगी या एकरंगा रंग उसे अरुचिकर बना सकते हैं। रसोईयों को विभिन्न कारकों को ध्यान में रखते हुए रंग पैलेट का उपयोग करना चाहिए, जैसे कि कंट्रास्ट, संतुलन और सामंजस्य, ताकि खाद्य आकर्षक और समृद्ध लगे। इसके साथ ही, खाद्य रंगों का मनोविज्ञान भी महत्वपूर्ण है, जो हमें बताता है कि विभिन्न रंग कैसे विभिन्न भावनाओं को पैदा कर सकते हैं और हमारी धारणा को स्वाद के प्रति प्रेरित कर सकते हैं।

इसी धर्ती पर हमने हमारा पहला सवाल हमारे मुलाकतदारों से किया की कोई भी व्यंजन तैयार करने में खाद्य रंगों का क्या महत्व होता है? इस विषय पर आपकी क्या राय है?

जिसके उत्तर में से Roha Dye Chem Pvt. Ltd. गौरी विचारे, (Manager, Corporate, Communication & Branding) ने बताया की खाद्य रंगों का चयन और उपयोग बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि ये खाद्य उत्पादों को अधिक आकर्षक और रुचिकर बनाते हैं। सही रंगों का उपयोग उत्पाद की बिक्री को बढ़ावा देता है और उसकी विशेषता बढ़ाता है। इसके अलावा, सही रंगों का उपयोग उत्पादों को और भी पोषक बनाता है और उनमें अतिरिक्त मूल्य जोड़ता है। फीके या एकरंगा रंग किसी भी व्यंजन को अरुचिकर बना सकते हैं। तो खाद्य रंग बहुत बड़ी भूमिका निभाते हैं हमारी खाद्य शैली में। 

Avon Flavours से चिराग कथरानी ने अपनी राय ज़ाहिर करते हुए कहा, “आदर्श रूप से, हमारे पास यह मज़बूत विश्वास है कि खाद्य रंग खाद्य उत्पादों की प्रस्तुति और दृश्य अपील में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। वे स्नैक या मिठाई को अधिक स्वादिष्ट और आँखों के लिए आकर्षक बनाते हैं, जो समग्र अनुभव का एक महत्वपूर्ण पहलू है। खाद्य रंगों को ध्यानपूर्वक चुनकर और उपयोग करके किसी आहार की सम्पूर्ण  सौंदर्य अपील बढ़ाती है, जिससे यह अधिक आकर्षक और मनोहर बन जाता है। चमकीले, जीवंत रंग भूख को उत्तेजित कर सकते हैं और आहार के प्रति उत्साह की भावना पैदा करते हैं। 

खाद्य रंगों का उपयोग खाद्य उत्पादों की प्रस्तुति और समग्र दृश्य आकर्षण में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। इसके साथ ही, समझदारी और संयम से रंगों का उपयोग करना भी अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है। मेरी राय में, रंगों को समझकर और सही रूप से उपयोग करके हमें उन्हें ताज़गी और विविधता देने के साथ-साथ खाद्य उत्पादों की स्वास्थ्यवर्धक गुणवत्ता को भी बनाए रखना चाहिए। खाद्य रंगों का उपयोग करते समय हमें समझदारी से स्वास्थ्य संबंधी विचारों का भी ध्यान रखना चाहिए।

Maxon Food Services LLP से अहमद रजा, Co-founder उनसे किये गए इस प्रश्न का उत्तर देते हुए उन्होंने कहा, रंग आहार  के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण संवेदी पहलुओं में से एक है। रंगों की ताज़गी उस व्यंजन के स्वाद का संकेत देने के साथ-साथ, यह उपभोक्ता की पसंद और उत्पाद के आनंद को भी देखते ही प्रभावित कर देता है। लोग कुछ रंगों को कुछ स्वादों से जोड़ते हैं और फिर वो आहार या पेय का रंग हो, जैसे कैंडी से लेकर वाइन तक किसी भी व्यंजन को उसके रंग से ही जाना जाता है। रंग ध्यान खींचता है। दरअसल, फूड कलर कई खाद्य पदार्थों के स्वाद और उनकी दिखावट को बढ़ाने में मदद करते हैं। इसके साथ ही, ये खाद्य पदार्थों को स्वस्थ और उन्नत रखने में भी मदद करते हैं।

Vinayak Ingredients के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर आशुतोष बयानी ने कहा, ” मेरा मानना है कि खाने के रंग खाने के अनुभव और आकर्षण में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। ये सिर्फ़ आहार को केवल सुंदर नहीं बनाता बल्कि उसके ग्रहण की इच्छा को भी बढ़ाते हैं। विविध रंग एक विज़्युअल आकर्षण की एक परत होती है जो भूख को प्रेरित करती है और समग्र आहार के अनुभव को बढ़ाती है। रंग का मनोविज्ञान भी एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। उदाहरण के लिए, लाल उत्साह और जीवंतता का प्रतीक होता है, जिससे लाल शिमला मिर्च या लाल सॉस वाला खाना अधिक स्वादिष्ट प्रतीत होता है। उसी तरह, हरा रंग ताज़गी और प्राकृतिकता को उत्पन्न करता है, जिससे हरी सब्जियाँ आकर्षक और स्वास्थ्यप्रद महसूस होती हैं”।

मिठाई और आईस्क्रीम फ़्लेवर और रंग का गठबंदन ज़रुरी है। अब जैसे मैंगो आईस्क्रीम का रंग पीला होना अपेक्षित है तो कच्ची कैरी का हरा, स्ट्रॉबेरी का रंग थोड़ा गुलाबी होना चाहिए पर कभी तकनिकी तरीक़े से वो हो नहीं पाता, जैसे की मिठाई और आईस्क्रीम में हमें स्वाद तो उस फ़्लेवर का मिल जाता है पर रंग उस स्वाद को उचित न्याय नहीं देता इस संदर्भ पर हमने हमारा दूसरा प्रश्न किया की फ़्लेवर और रंग का कितना महत्व है उदाहरण के लिए यदि हम सोचते हैं कि यह आम है, तो मिठाईध्आईस्क्रीम का रंग पीला होना चाहिए, लेकिन कभी-कभी मन-चाहे रंग मिल पाना तकनिकी तौर से मुश्किल होते हैं, तो आप उस समस्या को कैसे दूर करते हैं?

गौरी ने इसका उत्तर देते हुए कहा कि खाद्य उत्पादों में फ़्लेवर और रंग का महत्व अत्यधिक है। जब हम आईस्क्रीम या मिठाई का स्वाद लेते हैं, तो उसका रंग हमारे मनोबल को प्रभावित करता है। तकनीकी समस्याओं को हल करने के लिए, हम नवीनतम विकास पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं, ताकि हम उत्पादों में सही रंग और फ़्लेवर को ठीक से शामिल कर सकें।

चिराग ने इस प्रश्न पर प्रकाश डालते हुए कहा, ष्आहार के स्वाद और रंगों के बीच का संबंध हमारे खाद्य अनुभव को प्रभावित करता है। यह रिश्ता हमारे आहार के आकर्षण और स्वाद में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। रंग और स्वाद के संयोजन से हमें खाने का आनंद अधिक होता  है। आहार के रंग में आवश्यक्ताओं और स्वाद की महत्वपूर्ण दृष्टि संकेत प्रदान कर सकते हैं। हमारे मस्तिष्क स्वाद की समग्र धारणा बनाने के लिए, हम स्वाद और दृष्टि जैसे विभिन्न इंद्रियों से जानकारी को एकत्रित करते हैं। आहार के रंग से हम उसके स्वाद, सुगंध और समग्र स्वाद प्रोफ़ाईल को कैसे समझते हैं। आहार की दृश्य अपील, उसके रंग सहित, हमारे समग्र आहार अनुभव को प्रभावित कर सकती है। इस रिश्ते को समझकर और लाभ उठाकर, हमारे एप्लिकेशन विशेषज्ञ आईस्क्रीम या मिठाई के अनुभव को बढ़ा सकते हैं।

अहमद रज़ा ने इस प्रश्न पर अपनी राय देते हुए कहा कि रंग हमारे जीवन में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होते हैं। वे हमें विभिन्न स्थितियों के बारे में जानने में मदद करते हैं। माना जाता है कि इंद्रधनुष के सात रंग, जैसे कि लाल, नारंगी, पीला, हरा, आसमानी, नीला और बैंगनी, हमें विभिन्न भावों और अवस्थाओं का पता लगाने में मदद करते हैं। विज्ञान में, पीला रंग को सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का प्रतीक माना जाता है। यह हमारे शरीर में इम्यूनिटी को बढ़ाने में मदद करता है। पर कभी कभी मनचाहा रंग प्राप्त नहीं होता यह बात सही है पर इसके लिए हमारे पास विशेषज्ञ है जो हमेशा इसका समाधान ढूढ़ लेते हंै।

इस विषय में आशुतोष बयानी ने अपना दृष्टिकोण बताते हुई कहा की स्वाद और रंग के बीच सही संतुलन ढूँढना, विशेषकर प्राकृतिक सामग्री का उपयोग करते समय, वास्तव में एक चुनौती है। जबकि स्वाद प्राथमिक फ़ोकस बना हुआ है, प्राकृतिक स्रोतों का उपयोग करके दिखने में आकर्षक रंग प्राप्त करना तकनीकी रूप से जटिल हो सकता है। pH स्तर, तापमान, प्रकाश जोखिम और अन्य अवयवों के साथ बातचीत जैसे कई कारक, सभी खाद्य उत्पाद के अंतिम रंग को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं।

हर उत्पादक अपने उत्पाद की विशेषता बढ़ने के लिए नवीनतम विकल्प करता रहता है और फूडकलर उद्योग तो इतना बड़ा है की इसमें रोज़ नये इनोवेशन के लिए नया आयाम है तो हमारा अगला प्रश्न हमने हमारे उत्तरकर्ताओं से किया की खाद्य-रंग यानी फूड कलर की निर्मिति में कोई नयी तकनीक या नए इन्वेंशन पर आप काम कर रहे है?

जिसके उत्तर में गौरी ने कहा,“ हां, रोहा ने खाद्य उत्पादों के विशेष रंगों में समय-समय पर प्राकृतिक और सिंथेटिक रंगों के साथ-साथ नवाचार किया है। इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य खाद्य उत्पादों को अधिक आकर्षक बनाने के लिए अनुकूलनशील, सुरक्षित और प्रभावी रंगों का विकास करना है। इसमें नवाचारी तकनीकों का प्रयोग होता है, जो उत्पादन प्रक्रिया को अधिक अद्यतन और प्रभावी बनाते हैं”।

चिराग ने उत्तर देते हुए कहा, “हमारी टीम उत्पाद और विनिर्माण के मोर्चे पर विभिन्न नवाचारों पर लगातार काम कर रही है। हर क्षेत्र में नवाचारों के साथ खेल में आगे रहना आवश्यक है। ग्राहक भी हमारे साथ काम करने का आनंद लेते हैं क्योंकि हम अपनी टीम की क्रॉस-फं़क्शनल विशेषज्ञता का उपयोग करके उनके उत्पाद पर विभिन्न मुद्दों को हल करने में उनकी मदद करते हैं”।

अहमद ने उत्तर देते हुए कहा कि नए उत्पादों के विकास में, रंग का महत्वपूर्ण योगदान होता है, जिसका परिणाम है कि हमने एक कार्यशाला शुरू की है जो नए ट्रेंड्स और रुझानों को ध्यान में लेती है, उसी नुसार नवीनतम प्रयोग करती है, और इसी तरह हमारे नए उत्पादों के सफ़ल लॉन्च की संभावनाओं को बढ़ाती है।

इस प्रश्न के उत्तर में आशुतोष ने कहा, “इस विषय में हम नई दिशाएँ खोज रहे हैं, जो हमारे मिशन का मूल है। हम प्राकृतिक खाद्य रंगों की तकनीक में नए मौके़ ढूंढ रहे हैं। हमारे कुछ प्रमुख शोध क्षेत्र में शामिल हैं जैसे की हम अब प्राकृतिक रंगों की विस्तृत सोर्सिंग पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर रहे हैं। हम नए, प्राकृतिक स्रोतों से उत्पन्न, जीवंत और स्थिर प्राकृतिक खाद्य रंगों का व्यापक स्पेक्ट्रम बनाने की क्षमता वाली नई रणनीतियों पर गहरा विचार कर रहे हैं। हम समय के साथ हमारे प्राकृतिक खाद्य रंगों की स्थिरता को बढ़ाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं। इससे अलग-अलग खाद्य उत्पादों में स्थिर रंग प्रदर्शन की गारंटी मिलती है। हम मुख्य क्षेत्रों पर ध्यान दे रहे हैं, जहां हमारा लक्ष्य खादी निर्माणों को उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले, विश्व प्राकृतिक खाद्य रंगों का व्यापक चयन प्रदान करना है, जो उनके खाद्य उत्पादों की दृष्टि आकर्षण और समग्र उपभोक्ता अनुभव को बढ़ा सकते हैं”।

निष्कर्ष :

इस चर्चा को समाप्त करते समय, हम देखते हैं कि खाद्य उत्पादों में रंग और स्वाद का महत्व अत्यधिक है। रंग और स्वाद के मिलन से हमें खाने का आनंद अधिक होता है और यह हमारे आहार  के आकर्षण और स्वाद में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। इस चर्चा में हमने देखा कि खाद्य उत्पादों के रंग और स्वाद के विकास में नवाचारी तकनीकों का उपयोग हो रहा है। इससे उत्पादों को अधिक आकर्षक, सुरक्षित, और प्रभावी बनाने में मदद मिल रही है। इस तरह के नए और नवाचारी उत्पादों के विकास से उत्पादकों के लिए नई व्यापार की संभावनाएं उत्पन्न हो रही हैं। अतः, खाद्य उत्पादों में रंग और स्वाद के महत्व को समझते हुए और नवीनतम तकनीकों का उपयोग करते हुए उत्पादक और उपभोक्ता दोनों को लाभ मिल रहा है।

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आईस्क्रीम उद्योग में डीप फ़्रीज़र के उपयोग पर एक महत्वपूर्ण अध्ययन Sat, 04 May 2024 06:25:35 +0000 इस बार, आईस्क्रीम टाईम्स मैगज़ीन ने डीप फ़्रीज़र के इस प्रमुख तत्व को विशेष रूप से उत्कृष्टता के साथ परिभाषित करने का निर्णय लिया है।…

The post आईस्क्रीम उद्योग में डीप फ़्रीज़र के उपयोग पर एक महत्वपूर्ण अध्ययन appeared first on Agro & Food Processing.


इस बार, आईस्क्रीम टाईम्स मैगज़ीन ने डीप फ़्रीज़र के इस प्रमुख तत्व को विशेष रूप से उत्कृष्टता के साथ परिभाषित करने का निर्णय लिया है। हम डीप फ़्रीज़र की खरीद प्रणाली से लेकर उसके स्क्रैप होने तक के पूरे प्रोसेस को कवर करेंगे और आईस्क्रीम मैन्युफैक्चरर्स और रिटेलर्स के रूप में उनके अनुभव को साझा करेंगे। इस लेख का प्रयोजन यही है जो इच्छुक या नवउद्यमी हैं उन्हें इस लेख से फ़ायदा होगा तथा इस क्षेत्र के मान्यवरों की राय से हमारे ज्ञान में भी बढ़ोत्तरी होगी।

आईस्क्रीम उद्योग में, डीप फ़्रीज़र की खरीद अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह उत्पादों की गुणवत्ता और ताजगी को बनाए रखने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है। आईस्क्रीम की निरंतर मांग के साथ, आईस्क्रीम व्यवसायों के लिए सही उपकरण में निवेश करना अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है। डीप फ़्रीज़र न केवल आईस्क्रीम की गुणवत्ता और स्वाद को सुनिश्चित करता है, बल्कि उसकी खरीद प्रणाली से लेकर उसके स्क्रैप (scrap) होने तक के प्रक्रिया में भी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है।

इस बार, आईस्क्रीम टाईम्स मैगज़ीन ने डीप फ़्रीज़र के इस प्रमुख तत्व को विशेष रूप से उत्कृष्टता के साथ परिभाषित करने का निर्णय लिया है। हम डीप फ़्रीज़र की खरीद प्रणाली से लेकर उसके स्क्रैप होने तक के पूरे प्रोसेस को कवर करेंगे और आईस्क्रीम मैन्युफैक्चरर्स और रिटेलर्स के रूप में उनके अनुभव को साझा करेंगे। इस लेख का प्रयोजन यही है जो इच्छुक या नवउद्यमी हैं उन्हें इस लेख से फ़ायदा होगा तथा इस क्षेत्र के मान्यवरों की राय से हमारे ज्ञान में भी बढ़ोत्तरी होगी।

इस लेख में हमने पैन इंडिया के आईस्क्रीम मैन्युफैक्चरर और मुंबई के रीजनल रिटेलर्स से उनके डीप फ़्रीज़र के अनुभव के बारे में बात की और इस संपूर्ण प्रणाली को जानने की कोशिश की।

आईस्क्रीम मैन्युफैक्चरर के पक्ष से हमने Hangyo Ice Cream से Manjunath S.S.Cream N Nuts से Jivraj Patel, Basant Ice Cream से Charanjit Singh और Golden Ice Cream से नीरज तहलानी ने अपने अनुभव साँझा किये।

इस विषय में हमने कुछ सवाल किये जो थे: “आप लोग साल में कितने फ़्रीज़र खरीदते हैं? आपको डीप फ़्रीज़र खरीदने पर किस तरह के सर्विसेस मिलती हैं?  उन सर्विसेस को मैनेज करने में आपको किसी तरह की दिक़्क़तें आती हैं? डीप फ़्रीज़र में किस ब्रैंड की सेल्स और सर्विसेस आपके हिसाब से अच्छी और रिलाएबल है? डीप फ़्रीज़र की एज वैलिडिटी के बाद की प्रोसेस क्या होती है, क्या उसकी कोई buyback या एक्सचेंज स्कीम होती है या उसे स्क्रैप कर दिया जाता है?

इस पर संक्षिप्त में बताएं:

जिनके जवाब देते समय, बसंत आईस्क्रीम से चरणजीत सिंह ने कहा, हम लगभग पाँचसौ डीप फ़्रीज़र साल में खरीदते हैं । सर्विसेस की बात करें तो हमें ONE PLUS THREE इयर्स की गारंटी मिलती है और साथ में कुछ क्रेडिट भी मिल जाता है। गारंटी पीरियड में अगर डीप फ़्रीज़र में कुछ बिघाड हो जाए तो कंपनीवाले आकर उसे दुरुस्त कर देते हैं लेकिन यह AMC जैसा नहीं होता जैसे की साल में आपको दो या तीन मेंटेनन्स सर्विसेस फ्री दे देंगे। अब इन सर्विसेस को मेंटेन करने में दिक्कते तो आती है, जैसे की अगर डीप फ़्रीज़र में कुछ तकनिकी खराबी आ जाये तो शहरी क्षेत्रों में तो मैकेनिक मिल जाता है पर वही ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में इस समस्या को लेकर बड़ी दिक्कत होती है। ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में अपने खर्चे से मैकेनिक भेजने का खर्चा बहुत अधिक हो जाता है। अगर डीप फ़्रीज़र के ब्रैंड की बात करें तो लंबे समय से वेस्टर्न के डीप फ़्रीज़र को यूज कर रहा हूँ और उसके अलावा मैंने दूसरे कोई ब्रैंड कभी ट्राय नहीं किये हैं । मेरे लिए वेस्टर्न का अनुभव ही अभी तक अच्छा रहा है। फ़्रीज़र के ऐज वेलिडिटी के बाद रिटेलर ही उसको स्क्रैप में डाल देता है। डीप फ़्रीज़र मैन्युफैक्चरर हमें डीप फ़्रीज़र की buyback या एक्सचेंज जैसी कोई सुविधाएं नहीं देता।

CREAM’N’NUTS के MANAGING DIRECTOR जीवराज पटेल से हुई बातचीत में उन्होंने बताया की हमारी कंपनी साल में लगभग डेढ़सौ डीप फ़्रीज़र खरीदती है। सुविधा की बात करें तो पुरे गुजरात राज्य में किसी भी लोकेशन में मुझे वो डिलीवरी दे देते हैं । साथ में वो डीप फ़्रीज़र पर CREAM’N’NUTS की फ्री ब्रैंडिंग भी करके दे देते हैं । दिक्कत यह होती है कि कभी-कभी रिटेलर को डीप फ्रीजर में बिगड़ाव पर डायरेक्ट कंपनी को फोन कर देते हैं फिर हमें डीप फ़्रीज़र के साथ कोर्डिनेट करते हुए इस समस्या का निवारण करना होता है।

अभी जिस कंपनी के साथ मैं डील कर रहा हूँ वो सर्विसेस के बारे में बेहद ही सुखद अनुभव देती है और किसी भी तकनिकी समस्या का तुरंत समाधान मिल जाता है। डीप फ़्रीज़र में कई सारे लीडिंग ब्रैंड हैं । फिलहाल मैं जिनके साथ डील कर रहा हूँ और मुझे अपने काम के लिए McQuino का उत्कृष्ट सेवाएं और नवाचारी दृष्टिकोण पसंद है। पहले, Rockwell भी हमारी आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करता था। इसलिए, मेरी पसंद में रॉकवेल, वेस्ट कोस्ट, और McQuino शामिल हैं। डीप फ़्रीज़र की वैलिडिटी ख़त्म होने के बाद इसके buyback या एक्सचेंज की कोई सुविधा हमें नहीं मिलती और न हम रिटेलर को देते हैं । रिटेलर अपने हिसाब से उसका निपटान कर देते हैं ।

 Hangyo Ice Creams Pvt. Ltd के Vice President – Sales Manjunath S. S.  ने इन प्रश्नो के विस्तृत रूप से उत्तर देते हुए कहा, “हम हर साल विभिन्न विक्रेताओं से अच्छी संख्या में डीप फ़्रीज़र खरीद रहे हैं, लेकिन पिछले 3 वर्षों से हमारी खरीदारी कई गुना बढ़ गई है। सभी फ़्रीज़र कंपनियां आमतौर पर डीप फ़्रीज़र पर 1 साल की गारंटी देती हैं, परंतु पिछले कुछ वर्षों से, कुछ कंपनियां कंप्रेसर पर 1+3 साल की व्यापक वारंटी प्रदान कर रही हैं, लेकिन गैस चार्जिंग के लिए अलग-अलग शर्तों पर भुगतान करना होता है। हमने freezer-body leakage पर भी कम से कम 4 साल की अतिरिक्त वारंटी ली है।

डीप फ़्रीज़र में, सेवा संबंधी समस्याएँ आम हैं, जैसे कि थर्मोस्टेट समस्याएँ, हाफ कूलिंग, रिले समस्या, पंखे की मोटर समस्या और कंप्रेसर ख़राब होने की संभावना होती है। मेट्रो/प्रमुख शहरों में वेंडर सर्विस तेज़ है और वे 4-8 घंटों के भीतर ब्रेकडाउन कॉल को अटेंड करते हैं, जबकि टियर II/III और ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में उन्हें शिकायत सुनने में कम से कम 24-48 घंटे लगेंगे। कंप्रेसर खराब होने पर उसे बदलने में कम से कम 2-10 दिन का समय लगता है। दरअसल, फ़्रीज़र खराब होने से कई बार स्टॉक खराब होने पर कंपनियों को भारी नुकसान हो जाता है। मेरी राय में फ़्रीज़र कंपनियों को इसका समाधान ढूंढना चाहिए और ख़राब स्टॉक की भरपाई करनी चाहिए।  

हम आम तौर पर ब्लू स्टार, हायर, रॉकवेल, इंडिकूल, वोल्टास, एलानप्रो और वेस्टर्न रेफ्रिजरेशन जैसे प्रतिष्ठित ब्रैंड्स से खरीदारी करते हैं। हमारे वेंडर्स की लिस्ट में ब्लू स्टार, हायर, इंडिकूल, एलनप्रो और रॉकवेल हैं। सेवा के लिहाज से हायर और इंडिकूल बहुत अच्छे हैं। डीप फ़्रीज़र की औसत आयु 5 वर्ष होती है, लेकिन आजकल कंप्रेसर के मैन्युफैक्चरिंग स्टैंडर्ड्स से समझौते के कारण कॉपर ट्यूब की जगह एल्युमीनियम आदि मेटल के उपयोग होने के कारण डीप फ़्रीज़र की लाइफ कम हो गई है। इसलिए, 4-5 वर्षों के बाद कंपनियां डीप फ़्रीज़र को नॉन – रिपेरेबल घोषित किए जाने के बाद इसे स्क्रैप कर रही हैं।

कोई भी फ़्रीज़र कंपनी buyback विकल्प की पेशकश नहीं कर रही है। आजकल, बाजार में कड़ी प्रतिस्पर्धा और अधिक आक्रमकता के कारण, सभी आईस्क्रीम कंपनियां बाजार में FOC फ़्रीज़र पेश कर रही हैं। इसलिए, साल दर साल सभी आईस्क्रीम कंपनियां फ़्रीज़र पर भारी CAPEX इन्वेस्टमेंट कर रही हैं। यदि फ़्रीज़र कंपनियां आगे आती हैं और पुराने या स्क्रैप फ़्रीज़र पर buyback ऑफर की पेशकश करती हैं तो यह आईस्क्रीम कंपनियों के लिए बहुत बड़ी मदद और फायदा होगा। यहां तक ​​कि, अगर फ़्रीज़र कंपनियां डीप फ़्रीज़र को LEASING / RENTING पर लेने का कोई नया तरीका ढूंढती हैं तो इससे आईस्क्रीम कंपनियों को बहुत मदद मिलेगी। अंत में, फ़्रीज़र कंपनियों को तापमान की निगरानी के लिए Geo-tagging और IOT Instrument पर प्रकाश डालना चाहिए।

GOLDEN DAIRY PRODUCTS PVT. LTD के NEERAJ TAHALANI, Director  का कहना है की हम लोग साल मे लगभग 250 – 300 डीप फ़्रीज़र खरीदते हैं | हमको डीप फ़्रीज़र खरीदने पर अपनी फैक्ट्री या डिस्टीब्यूटर पॉइंट मे सप्लाई एवं डीप फ़्रीज़र मे यदि कोई समस्या आये तो समय पर उसकी सुधार इत्यादि की सर्विसेस मिलती हैं | उन सर्विसेस को मैनेज करने में कभी कभी समस्या आती हैं जैसे समय से डीप फ़्रीज़र की डिलीवरी का नहीं मिलना एवं समय से समस्या का सुधार नहीं होना | डीप फ़्रीज़र में हायर ब्रांड की सेल्स और सर्विस हमारे हिसाब से बेहतर हैं क्यूंकि इसकी मनचाही जगह किसी भी पॉइंट पे डिलीवरी आसानी से मिल जाती है इसकी स्टोरेज कैपेसिटी भी अन्य ब्रैंड्स से बेहतर है एवं डीप फ़्रीज़र में खराबी की समस्या भी समय पर हल हो पाती है | डीप फ़्रीज़र की वैलिडिटी के बाद उस पर लगने वाला सर्विस चार्ज एवं अन्य प्रकार के स्पेयर पार्ट्स का खर्च देना होता है | डीप फ़्रीज़र की कोई दुबारा खरीदने एवं किसी प्रकार के एक्सचेंज की कोई स्कीम नहीं होती है | यदि डीप फ़्रीज़र बहुत पुराना हो जाये और उस में लगने वाले स्पेयर पार्ट्स की कीमत बहुत अधिक हो तो ऐसी स्तिथि मे उसे स्क्रैप कर दिया जाता है |

तो यह थे प्रतिनिधिक रूप से आईस्क्रीम मैन्युफैक्चरर के दृष्टिकोण जो उन्होंने हमारे साथ साँझा किये| रिटेलर्स के रूप में रिटेलर्स की राय और उनको आनेवाले अनुभव को अब हम देख्नेगे जिससे इस लेख की सारी कड़ियाँ जुड़ जाएगी और एक पूर्ण रूप से हमें डीप फ़्रीज़र की प्रणाली का ज्ञान हो जायेगा।

रिटेलर्स को किये गए प्रश्न जो हैं: कंपनी द्वारा दिए जाने वाले डीप फ़्रीज़र की पॉलिसी के बारे में और कंपनी द्वारा डीप फ़्रीज़र के मेन्टेन्स की सुविधा के बारे में बताये तथा कंपनी द्वारा डीप फ़्रीज़र के नियमों के पालन करने में क्या आपको कोई दिक्कत आती हैअगर इसका उत्तर हाँ है तो इसके बारे में विस्तार में बताये।

जिसके उत्तर में मुंबई अर्बन क्षेत्र से अंधेरी से श्रीकृष्णा मेडिकल एंड जनरल स्टोअर्स के धनंजय यादव से हुई बातचीत में उन्होंने बताया की हमने फ़िलहाल ही क्वालिटी वॉल्स का माल बेचना शुरू किया है और डीप फ़्रीज़र भी हमें उनके तरफ से ही दिया गया है जो की वेस्टर्न का है। ऑन स्पॉट डिलीवरी, सेल्स पर्सन की वीकली विजिट, कुछ तकनिकी खराबी आने पर कंपनी की तरफ से सर्विस की बिनाशुल्क सुविधा दी जाती है। बस डीप फ़्रीज़र के यूज करने से जो भी लाइट बिल आएगा उसका भुगतान हमें करना होगा। बाकि तो कोई दिक्कत नहीं है, बस अगर किसी कंपनी का माल और फ़्रीज़र अगर हम लेते हैं तो हमें उनके ही कंपनी माल बेचना अनिवार्य है। जैसे अभी अगर कोई अमूल या हेवमोर के लिए ग्राहक आये तो उन्हें निराश होकर जाना पड़ जाता है और हमारा सेल भी उतना ही घट जाता है।  

वसई के सागर जनरल स्टोर्स के मालिक देवीराम चौधरी ने भी ऊपर दी गयी बातों को ही दोहराते हुए कहां की शहरी और निम्म ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में सर्विस और तकनिकी सुविधा का समाधान जल्द मिल जाता है लेकिन दिक्कत एक ही ब्रैंड की आईस्क्रीम बेचने के निर्बंध से ही है। अब अगर हमें अलग अलग ब्रैंड की आईस्क्रीम बेचनी है तो हमें खुद का डीप फ़्रीज़र खरीदने के अलावा दूसरा पर्याय नहीं है। जो हमारे जैसे दुकानदारों के थोड़ा अधिक खर्चीक साबित हो सकता है।

पालघर के निर्मल गाँव से गिरनार सुपर मार्केट के सुरेश से हुई बात से हमें ग्रामीण क्षेत्र के रिटेलर की राय जानने को मिली जिस बताते हुए सुरेश ने कहा की मेरी एक दुकान वसई में भी है और पालघर में भी। नालासोपारा की दुकान पर मुझे डीप फ़्रीज़र से जुडी किसी भी सुविधा का समाधान जल्दी मिल जाता है वहीं पालघर की दुकान के लिए मुझे इंतज़ार करना पड़ता है। दिक्कत की अगर बात करें तो पालघर जिल्हे में लोड शेडिंग की समस्या आम है। बार बार लाइट आने – जाने की समस्या से कभी कभी कंप्रेसर ख़राब होने का डर रहता है और ऐसा होने पर आईस्क्रीम स्टॉक भी ख़राब हो जाता है। हालाँकि, कंपनी तकनिकी सुधार की सुविधाएं देती है पर ग्रामीण क्षेत्र होने की वजह से आवाजावी, समय से मदत मिलने में दिक्कत आती है।

The post आईस्क्रीम उद्योग में डीप फ़्रीज़र के उपयोग पर एक महत्वपूर्ण अध्ययन appeared first on Agro & Food Processing.

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Shankar Ice Creams caters to Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant’s Pre-Wedding Menu Featuring Best of World Ice Cream Sat, 04 May 2024 06:03:53 +0000 The pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant have kept the world enthralled, and now, the full menu for March 2 has been revealed…

The post Shankar Ice Creams caters to Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant’s Pre-Wedding Menu Featuring Best of World Ice Cream appeared first on Agro & Food Processing.

The pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant have kept the world enthralled, and now, the full menu for March 2 has been revealed by sources. It features some winning desi flavours, homegrown brands, the best of world cuisine and signatures by celebrity chefs.

Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding festivities lit up Jamnagar for a few days and kept everyone’s social media feeds super busy. The three-day bash from March 1 to March 3, reportedly worth Rs 1,000 crore which was held at Ambani’s 750-acre property, Reliance Greens, preceded the actual wedding, which will be held on July 12.

It was reported earlier than a total of 2,500 dishes would be served during the festivities; chefs from all over the world and some beloved homegrown brands were also featured on the menu.

The kiosk also had Bikaner Chattri Gola along with the beloved Chuski Pepsi in many flavours. Thailand’s popular ice cream brand IceDEA famed for their animal-shaped and nature-inspired ice creams, were featured on the menu and served Mangosteen, Mango Sticky Rice along with dalmatian-shaped cookie & cream ice cream and corgi-shaped volcanic ovaltine ice cream.

But what gained the premium attention was when Shankar Ice Cream was selected to serve their ‘bestest’ flavours of ice cream on the meadows.  
In the quest of the subject, we spoke to Bhagyesh Samnani, Director of Shankar Ice Cream, Ahmedabad about his company’s participation in the worlds’ greatest international gathering of Ambani’s event.

What inspired you to create such a diverse range of ice creams for Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding ceremony and how was your entry to the event?

We’ve had a longstanding partnership with Ambani, and this recent event was especially significant as it brought together world leaders. To mark the occasion, they sought something fresh and innovative, prompting us to step up. Initially, our involvement began through a catering company. However, our performance caught the Ambanis’ attention, leading them to entrust us with direct orders.

Amidst the plethora of ice cream offerings at the event, our stand managed to shine. With numerous functions taking place alongside, we were tasked with catering to a crowd equivalent to that of a small town. Our treats had to cater to everyone, from top-level celebrities to the security personnel. The attendees were truly VVIP, and we even had to prepare treats for their personal assistants.
The excitement of catering to such a large crowd descending upon Jamnagar fuelled our inspiration during the intense 10-day preparation period for the event. We realized that our traditional ice cream offerings might not appeal to the foreign dignitaries attending. With leaders and business tycoons from various countries on the guest list, we crafted a fusion ice cream menu featuring exotic nuts and berries.

For instance, we combined Indian sweet lime with ice cream and went ahead with blueberries, cranberries, red berries, mulberries, and other exotic fruits. Despite the initial uncertainty, we managed to serve these innovative ice creams with great success.

Another standout ice cream we offered was the Kesar Chilgoza (Pine nut) flavour. Kesar, known as India’s prized spice, combined with the richness of Chilgoza to create a vegan ice cream, low in sugar, that became an instant hit. We sweetened it with stevia, a purely natural, sugar alternative, without any added sugars.

In addition, we introduced the Cranberry with Jamun fusion, which left a memorable impression on our consumers’ taste buds. This unique combination of ice cream flavours added another layer of excitement to our ice cream offerings.

How did the people respond to your coconut ice cream?

That sounds like a fantastic addition to our ice cream repertoire! We served tender coconut ice cream in Mukesh Ambani’s shop at Reliance. To create this unique treat, we ordered whole coconut shells, extracted the tender coconut malai, and then crafted a vegan coconut ice cream using natural ingredients. Finally, we poured this creamy delight back into the coconut shells, offering a refreshing and indulgent experience for our customers.

Our speciality was providing a unique taste combination: orange with delicate coconut. The response to this unique combination was tremendously favourable, with many praising it’s refreshing and pleasant flavour. While others sampled other ice cream brands, they were captivated to our orange with delicate coconut flavour. It was gratifying to watch our clients experience something genuinely unique and unforgettable throughout the event.

You must have faced logistic problems catering to so many VIPs, how did you manage that logistically?

The security protocol was scrupulously maintained. To guarantee a smooth admission, we had already submitted our vehicle number, ID card, Aadhar card, fingerprint scan, and eye scan. Our preparations began early, with staff members selected for the event obtaining the relevant documents, including Aadhar cards, pictures, and eye scans, as well as undergoing RT-PCR testing, which was critical for servicing the high-profile participants.

Logistically, transporting ice cream and ingredients was straightforward; we had enough of supplies and equipment. With a devoted workforce of 22-23 people, we were ready to serve around 30,000 customers, including air-cooled ice cream. The arrangement had been properly planned long in advance. Our unique IDs provided easy access to items, assuring timely delivery to the party site with no difficulties.

Any memorable incidents that your guests must have praised you?

Basking in the warmth of admiration made me feel euphoric, as if I were on cloud nine. It was quite wonderful to be recognised for my efforts, especially in creating no added sugar and vegan ice creams. Knowing that my effort had an impact on others and addressed their nutritional needs gave me a sense of accomplishment unlike any other. Their praise reflects the commitment and passion I put into my work. Even now, I am still receiving admirations for the work I put into creating unique ice cream flavours. It’s extremely encouraging to know that my work continues to resonate with people, and I appreciate the continuous acknowledgment and support.

The coconut ice cream served in a shell with cream and fennel seeds on top earned a lot of appreciation, which I personally experienced in our Ahmedabad location. With approximately 30,000 people from the township attending, the novelty of our mango and jamun ice cream combination sparked excitement. By combining two of India’s finest fruits, we created a delectable treat that left a lasting impression. Many attendees expressed that our ice cream surpassed even the tastiest dinner meals indicating its immense popularity and success.

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